Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 1199: The wind and rain are coming again

Chapter 1199, the wind and rain are coming again.

"Okay." Lei always laughed. "Congratulations, the jewelry exhibition was very successful. You made a name for yourself. Since then, you have gained a foothold in the jewelry design circle. It’s really gratifying. I knew you when I was in that year. What is not in the pool, it will fly to the sky, see, how correct my predictions are."

Shen Qianshu couldn't help but, "When I was in contact, I went to see the jewelry exhibition. You are not complaining about having time to accompany you. What jewelry exhibition is going on, not a pile of stones? Can you eat more? When I draw pictures, what do you say? Ah, what is this stuff, ugly, make the finished product, who buys it, who buys the brain."

Lei Junjie has no shyness. "Is your memory so good? When I failed to start a business, I was full of resentment, awkwardness, narrow-mindedness. I have not grown into a man. How can I be serious when I am, you forget him. And look at me in front of me, is this the correct way to open it?"

Shen Qianshu helped the amount and laughed.

Every time I am with Lei Junjie, it is actually quite interesting.

"Your second disease is more serious than it was then."

"This is a character symbol of the youth of the new era."

Shen Qianshu said helplessly, "Okay, I am out of date."

She reached out with a generous hand. "Friends, Da En does not say thank you."

Lei Junjie looked at her hand seriously, slender and ten fingers, not smothering Yang Chunshui's delicate, slender, and he smiled arrogantly. "I am more willing to sublimate than to shake hands, thank you, how about a hug?"

Shen Qianshu is no nonsense, give him a big hug, Lei Junjie said in her ear, "You are doing well, I am very happy."

Shen Qianshu was warm, and she and her former boyfriends, although not very close after breaking up, rarely made evil, except for Lin Xuan, Yuan Hui, and Lei Junjie, although they were naive, the character was good.

"Right, your boyfriend is coming, ah, the central refrigerator."

Lei Junjie was very retaliatory on her cheek, and she was too quick to kiss her. She kissed it and smiled and retired. She was a gentleman.

Shen Qianshu looked at the night tomb and struck with a cold air.


Lei always chuckled, waved his hand, gave her a kiss and quickly withdrew from the battlefield.

The nightlings narrowed their eyes, and the amber eyes were like ice, with a layer of coldness. "Is not the time to come, disturbing you and your ex-boyfriend?"

Shen Qianshu secretly complained of bitterness, holding his neck, and witnessing his lips, "Mr., just a normal Western etiquette, this is the correct way to open the old."

She threw a wink, padded her feet, and gave him a kiss.

Extinguished his anger.

Jewelry show, success.

Shen Qianshu became famous, and he sent a lawyer's letter to B on the next day. He confessed to Megan and confessed to B.


Gu's Manor, in addition to a little movement, everything is very quiet, Gu Yuanli's people looking for Gu's Manor, no one found, it is indeed a snake is a bad thing.

After Li Zhiyuan and Shen Qianshu discussed, they did not plan to stun the snakes, and the three caves of the rabbits. If they were not sure, she did not intend to round up Yang Ping, so as not to let her dog jump to the wall.

The undercovers under the mountain also quickly gave them messages, and Yang Ping went back.

She bought some materials and brought them back. Shen Qianshu sent people to follow her procurement route to investigate. She found that the materials she bought were all necessary materials for explosives. Shen Qianshu looked at the investigation report and was silent.

(End of this chapter)

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