Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 1200: The lawsuit lost

Chapter 1200, the lawsuit lost

Yang Ping, I really don't give up.

Li Zhiyuan said, "He will definitely jump over the wall and you have to be prepared."

"You can rest assured that whether it is Roewe Fortress or Gu's Manor, she can only make a fuss on the outside. I guess she is waiting for my mother to wake up. This is not an emergency, my mother did not wake up, she She won’t mess, she will go with my mother."

Shen Qianshu asked, "Is Yang Jia and her sure that there is no contact?"

"I just want to tell you. Recently, they have also encountered a lot of troubles. Some time ago, Yang Bo’s business was very serious. Although he went to the third-tier cities, it was not so easy to pass. The two camps are fighting for you to die, and the Yang family can't help her. They can't help but you can rest assured."

"I am not worried about what Yang Jia has helped her. She is worried that she will leave the country. The night tomb has sent people to stare at the border. You also send people to stare at it. Double insurance, as long as she does not leave the country, it is difficult to fly here."

"okay, I get it."

Li Zhiyuan looked at her deeply. Shen Qianshu, the doorkeeper of Rose Gate, and the jewelry designer Shen Qianshu are two different identities. She handles things, and is very stable.

Grasping Yang Ping is just a matter of time.


After the jewelry show.

A message came, Megan committed suicide, was sent to the hospital, and spread in the United States, at the same time also spread to the country, BG jewelry people stunned.

The people of Yunan and BG Legal Department are preparing documents to sue Megan and fight a transnational infringement lawsuit. This lawsuit must be played in the United States, and the procedures are particularly cumbersome.

The news of Megan’s suicide came, and Shen Qianshu was shocked.

"Is she okay?" Chen asked. "What is this suicide?"

Yunan said, "I heard that it is out of danger. The media reported that it was almost impossible to save."

Many designers of BG are the fans of Shen Qianshu. A fan said, "Wow, is suicide to escape the lawsuit? This is a fake. If I commit suicide, I will definitely accept it. I can still be saved by a doctor. It must be Doing a play."

"Yes, who committed suicide and waited for hospital rescue? From home to the hospital, it takes a while to drive. If the ambulance comes, don't take time. This is the correct posture for suicide. This is obviously a gesture of concern."

"Sister Shu, no matter her, let's sue her. This year, plagiarism is so reasonable. Is it okay to sell?"

Yunan also agreed, this young man has a lot of anger recently, and his anger is also a bit big. He has to make it clear with Megan and B. This is the first time that B has been in lawsuit for five years.

In the past five years, only they have told others that no one has told them.

"Right, I checked the information yesterday, and B also told Li Chen that it was infringing."

"what happened?"

Shen Qianshu is also curious. She and Li Chen are not familiar with it. Because of Yun’s relationship, it is inevitable to pay attention to it. “What is going on?”

Zhou Sen said, "It was the first three years. Li Chen had a jewelry exhibition in New York. It was held together with several jewelry brands in Paris. It was not a personal jewelry exhibition. At that jewelry exhibition, he showed his three jewelry. Among them, there is a piece of jewellery and the B family has just listed, and the jewelry that has not been released in Asia is very similar, which was told by the B family."

Shen Qianshu did not hear this, Li Chen is the pillar of the AG.

Good looks and high design talent.

(End of this chapter)

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