Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 1303: Rough little lady

Chapter 1303, Rough Little Lady

Shen Qianshu had a great appreciation for this group of dark guards. It was more eye-catching than the group of dark guards in the domestic Fortress. The row was down and it looked very powerful.

Night Huanhuan looked at the woman in front of her, Shen Qianshu brought a little fairy temperament, fluttering, "You are Shen Qianshu?"

It looks even more beautiful than the photo.

"Yes, I am Shen Qianshu, Miss Huanhuan, my son is offended. I will discipline him. I will not bother. If you want to discipline your child, you will have one to discipline yourself. It will follow you." Shen Qianshu does not. Polite, although I didn’t see the shot of the night, but she couldn’t listen to the night’s joy, and staring at the night’s house, she could basically conclude what she would say, what she would do, and not at all. strange.

The long whip of the night Huanhuan fell over, Meng Qigang had to go forward to pick up, Shen Qianshu stepped forward and caught her long whip. The two men were not willing to let go at the ends of the long whip.

Shen Qianshu’s eyes sank and he said, “Miss Night, self-respect!”

The security guards behind the night Huanhuan quickly lifted the slogan, aimed at Shen Qianshu, the castle's dark guards, the casino's bodyguards, and they raised their ** to the night.

The audience was silent.

At the touch of a hair.

Orchid refers to the manager’s cold sweat on his forehead.

This future lady is a temper!

The young master is still sitting on a chair and shaking his legs. He is not nervous at all. Is this a common scene, or is it a toy gun? This is a live ammunition, my young master.

Shen Qianshu said faintly, "They dare to shoot a shot, and you will kill everyone!"

Meng Qi walked quietly to the children's drawing, just in case.

I can’t help but feel angry in my heart.

I didn't sleep well when I slept, I have offended anyone, I have to be dragged out to stop the gun!

Happy night, "You dare!"

"You dare not dare!"

The night of joy and anger rushed to the whip, but did not pull, the heart could not help but be surprised, Shen Qianshu is just a jewelry designer, can't it be a practice or a family?

"Shen Qianshu, I want to compare with you. If you win me, I will leave soon!"

"Well!" Shen Qianshu suddenly let go of the whip, and smashed up, as fast as lightning, and the night was a surprise. The body fell backwards and the whip was released. She fell backwards and escaped Shen Qianshu. fist.

She picked up the whip and continually pumped to Shen Qianshu. The Shen Qianshu body was very flexible, her eyes were cold and the knife was cold, and the whip of the night Huanhuan could not draw her clothes.

The security of the night Huanhuan was shocked.

Is this a jewelry designer with no hands?

Which idiot did the report.

The night Huanhuan is not the opponent of Shen Qianshu. The coping is very weak. Shen Qianshu does not give her any chance to **** her long whip. The security of the night Huanhuan is also relieved.

This Miss Shen is also reasonable. The whip is the weapon of their young lady. After being taken away, they should not fight again.

That's great.

They were thinking this way, and they were horrified to see Shen Qianshu’s gaze hiding a sharp edge.

The gas field exploded.

The hand whip down, and suddenly I took a whip on the night, and the first whip, the night Huanhuan escaped, very embarrassed.

"Shen Qianshu, you..."

The second whip, once again hit, the face of the skull hit the night and joy, the security of the night Huanhuan were shocked, the gun pointed at Shen Qianshu, this woman is terrible.

(End of this chapter)

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