Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 1304: The young master is the emperor

Chapter 1304 Little Master is the Emperor

This is a real whip than the flower shelf of the night.

As soon as they moved their guns, the defenders’ guns also jumped.

Meng Qi said, "Women's war, all of them, don't interfere!"

Everyone, "..."

"Ah!" The night screamed, and Shen Qianshu slammed her second whip on her body. The top of the whip had a sharp blade. At the waist of the night, she scraped a piece of the waist and instantly scratched her leather coat. The night was happily picked up by her whip on the ground.

She is holding a wound, unbelievable.

The children's picture patted the small palm and cheered. "Wow, Mommy, you are amazing."

Star eyes.

My mommy is a hero.

Han Wei’s heroine.

Meng Qi knocked on his skull and motioned him to stop talking.

Everyone thought that Shen Qianshu should stop. She looked at it as a soft, kind-hearted cute girl. Her long hair was also decorated with beautiful hair, soft and cute, but they walked away and looked away.

The gas field on Shen Qianshu broke out in just a few seconds.

The third whip, once again unkindly plucked into the night, and the night Huanhuan raised his hand to stop, the blade scratched a scar on her arm, and the night Huanhuan rolled on the ground again and was knocked over again.

"Wow, my mommy is amazing!" The children's paintings once again starred and applauded excitedly.


The security guards were shocked. Although Huanhuan is the fourth in the night, she is the only girl, so his security guards call her Missy outside.

Night Huanhuan likes this title.

Shen Qianshu gently put down the whip and threw it to Meng Qi. "This is a lesson for you. If you don't look at your surname, you are good, your security is good, one is not going." Out of the casino!"

The night of Huanhuan’s face was pale, and the body was bleeding on the 3rd and 4th places. It hurt her cold and sweaty. From childhood, she was not used to suffer from the joyful nights and hatefulness. “Shen Qianshu, I will not let you go.”

"I am waiting for you at the castle!"

For a moment, the security guards left with the night joy and the little punks.

The children's picture jumped down and flew to Shen Qianshu. "Mummy, you are so powerful, you are my idol, I admire you too much."

Shen Qianshu looked at the children's painting with a smile and smiled. He bounced on his forehead. "Go back to the castle, I will teach you again."

Child painting, "..."

He is so embarrassed, why should he be taught?

Orchid refers to the manager who finally understands why the defenders are so respectful to the future lady, really... 彪悍 woman.

The Big Devil actually liked this one. I thought that the managers of the casinos sent one beauty after another in order to please the young masters. They were all soft and cute, and they didn’t send a thousand models.


"The loss of the casino, I am sorry, the children's paintings are too ignorant, and they are causing trouble."

Orchid refers to the manager who bows his knees. "Little lady, you are too polite, the young master wants to play, it is the freedom of the young master. We are all waiting, even if we are smashing the casino, as long as the young master is happy, we will help you, absolutely not hurt. his hand."

Shen Qianshu,: "..."

Child painting, "..."

Thousands of wears and wears, and does not wear it!

Shen Qianshu left people to clean up the mess. She took Meng Qi and left the child painting.

"Night Huanhuan is your brother's rotten peach?" Shen Qianshu asked.

I have never heard of this character.

Meng Qi's face is dark, "nonsense, she also has ah, what peach, even if it is a rotten peach, don't count her, my brother does not drop the price, you will open your mouth."

(End of this chapter)

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