Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 1318: Provocatively, who will not

Chapter 1318 is provocative, who will not

Shen Qianshu secretly, son, you know a little bit, even the history books have been read, she remembered that he had never taught his history when he was a child. It is good to remember to teach him Chinese.

Is the son's talents different, inherited the attributes of his school!

It’s extremely ugly to be asked by a child’s painting at night. “You shut up, adults talk, you can have your mouth, there is no rule, you are not a night person, and we have nothing to do with you.”

The children's paintings are flat and flat, and the tears are almost out. "Hey, he yells at me!"

Shen Qianshu hit him on his head. It’s useless to spoil, and it’s a little trick.

Child painting thinks, right, almost forgot.

The night tomb looked at their mother and son, and the night asked that the day had already spoken. "Night Mausoleum, look at what woman you brought home, what child, specifically provoke distraction, don't think that I don't know their mind, not just squatting You don't live long, you lick your property, deliberately leave your relationship with your family, you and your family have been in trouble, and in Europe you have to smash your face with us, they are harming, they are licking your property. ""

One sentence did not live long and angered Shen Qianshu.

"You hope that the night to die early, you can rest assured that he must live long and long, will definitely give you the spirit to end!"

"You cursing me?"

"Who cursed you, you are 30 years older than the night tomb, not the night to give you the end, it is difficult for you to live long life to two hundred years." Shen Qianshu is not cool.

She couldn’t even think that the night tomb would die earlier than her, and the man was still swaying and saying that it was not long.

Luther’s house is very kind and very satisfied.

This night, I don’t want to avoid the night, because the night mausoleum does not live long. Everyone knows that it is not a secret. Even if they are better, they will show up.

Every time they say, Luther’s housekeepers can’t hear them. They always think that their husbands will get better and better. The old gentleman’s cultivation and morality also make him unable to make the shackles of Shen Qianshu. of.

The old gentleman and the monk are all smiling and have no attack power.

The words of Shen Qianshu are just like his heart.

"Mummy, you are wrong, the end of the pension is the responsibility of his son. I listened to the night at the casino and said that the night of the family is a little princess. He hurts a daughter. The sons are thrown aside. Later, The daughter gave him a pension, finally, I heard that this is a cheap daughter. After that, he may have to withdraw his money and leave. He is ill-treated to his son. Maybe he will end up with a no-end. You can’t take this. It’s not good for the hard-working people to sin against the people.

Who is not arrogant.

Xiaoye is professional! ! !

Shen Qianshu has nowhere to go. "Yes, my husband will not give you a pension."

The night's lips are slightly ticked.

A gentleman pleasing him.

She did not find her own slips.

Well, this name, feels good!

Shen Qianshu and the children's paintings sang and sang the night to ask the weather to explode. He said in a deep voice, "Stop, what are you, dare to talk to me, come and give me, today I will teach her what is the rule!"

The night mausoleum said faintly, "Da Bo, she is the mistress of the castle, the person of my night mausoleum, you humiliate her, just humiliate me!"

The person who asked the sky at night followed up and made a move to win Shen Qianshu.

(End of this chapter)

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