Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 1319: When people are old, they must recognize (monthly ticket plus more)

Chapter 1319 is old, it is necessary to recognize (monthly ticket plus more)

The people who asked the sky at night followed up, and they tried to take down Shen Qianshu. They simply ignored the words of the night mausoleum. For example, in the past few years, the night mausoleum was in their eyes, but it was the young master of the night, and it was still an illegitimate child. There is no place in front of me.

When he asked him to stay in the night, he thought that he couldn't live for a long time. There was no need to offend Luther for a sick scorpion. He had been waiting for one day to die, and he enjoyed his achievements.

The night mausoleum had a slight glimpse, and the amber eyes were swept away. He did not say a word. The person who asked the sky at night was like a person who was fixed and could not move.

"Get it!" said the night tomb.

Zhong Burning and Ada have come up and buckled the few people. The night sneer sneered. "Da Bo, on my site, move me, do you die when I am?"

"Night Mausoleum, what do you mean, do you dare to do it with me?"

The night mausoleum holds black tea and says slowly, "I don't think you can recognize the facts, drag it out, fifty whip per person!"

"Who dares!" The night asked for a big drink.

Zhonghuan and A big hand waved, several dark guards came up, very clean and unloading their guns and ammunition, and took people out. Most of the people who asked the night were outside the castle, unable to come in, follow in. The man was taken down by Zhong Zhong and A Da, and he was kneeling in the garden outside. One person had fifty lashes and was beating in front of him.

Through the large floor-to-ceiling windows, you can see the people in the garden, as well as the raised whip.

This whip seems to fall on the face of the night, and his face is swollen!

Night asked the day to be silent and angry, looking at the night tomb, when I first arrived in Europe, the old lady said that this child is mentally ill, don't force him, anyway, it doesn't live long, the doctor said, live less than adult, no need In order for a child to get dirty, when he is dead, his family property belongs to the night house, and at that time it will belong to the European night house.

The old lady at night is a shrewd person.

At that time, he wanted to move the night tomb. She advised him from the side, not because she was afraid of pampering her grandson. This grandson could have nothing in her eyes. She was also the property of her own.

Want to slow down for a few years, she profited from it, who knows that Luther handled Anfei's industry very beautifully, and did not touch the night family.

The little boy who had just seen that year, Luther butler was also a wise man, with the night tomb on the European night house to recognize people, but also to show weakness, he wants to survive, to see the meaning of the night.

At night, I didn’t even put the night mausoleum in my eyes. I also listened to the words of the night Junchen. I didn’t do anything about the night mausoleum.

Anyway, the night tomb is not long-lived, and he will die when he is dead.

Who knows, spring and autumn, when the little boy did not know it, he grew into a towering tree, able to shelter himself from the wind and rain and provide shelter for the family.

It was thin and small, and it looked like malnourished, gloomy and weak children. It definitely lived in adulthood. Today, it is handsome, healthy, and has lived through adulthood. It is still alive and colorful. When he missed his life, he raised tigers. Suffering.

Once, he smiled and touched the head of the night tomb, lovingly giving him a red envelope.

Today, the little boy’s head has a sharp knife that pierces his palm and finally tears the veil of peace, revealing sharp claws.

"Night Mausoleum, don't regret it!"

The night mausoleum said faintly, "Da Bo, if you are old, you must recognize the old! If you don't recognize the old, you will fall very badly!"

1500 month ticket plus more, the monthly ticket to 2000 plus more Oh, what? Oh, you are a little fairy to ask for a monthly ticket! ! The story of the two of them should end in this month!

(End of this chapter)

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