Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 1437: Do you want to get married?

Chapter 1437 Do you want to get married?

Shen Qianshu was hurt by him, his wrist was a painful pain, but she did not disturb his nightmare, just gently leaned on, hugged him, his cheeks stuck on his chest, his chest was bruised, dressed in white She could feel the uneven scratches on her shirt, and her heart was sour and soft.

Sir, how many crimes have you received, you will get this disease, the past things are not mentioned, and you are not willing to tell anyone that the wound has long been an old injury in your heart, you can’t see the sun, so Will it be hidden in this way, to disguise it?

You are stupid.

From now on, you have me.

I will always be by your side, never give up.

Everyone said that the promise of youth is as light as a feather. It is not surprising that no girl has vowed when she was young. Most of the vows have gradually faded in the years. Far away, I can’t think of it anymore. The wall in time will eventually be mottled.

But she can firmly believe that she promised a lifetime.

"Don't kill me." Noah squinted and opened his eyes. Shen Qianshu followed him up. His body shivered, fear, and his eyes were dim. In the red eyes, there were countless fears, watching the eyes of Shen Qianshu. Unknown, a cold sweat, but the life of Shen Qianshu's wrist almost pinched off.

"Noah... hurts." Shen Qianshu whispered, Noah instantly let him go, and rushed over, holding her tightly, Shen Qianshu was so distressed, who would kill him? Noah, who is not afraid of the day, who is not afraid of it, who can kill him?

"Dream is the opposite." Shen Qianshu said, gently stroking his back, Noah is pure and innocent, this is not the night when the child was bullied, the child who wants to resist and is violent, but he dares to Revolt in fantasy, but unable to fight against adults.

Whether it is the old man or Anfei, he has no ability.

Noah’s voice was hoarse. “You don’t want to know my dreams.”

"What is your dream, it doesn't matter. What matters is that dreams are the opposite. People in dreams will not happen. If they are not, they are not called dreams."

This seems to be awkward, but in the middle of the heart, Noah muttered to himself, "What will happen in the dream?"


"I will marry you in a dream, it won't happen, is it?"

Shen Qianshu, "..."

This is awkward.

Noah instantly tightened his arm. Shen Qianshu was frightened and dreamed of marrying her? Didn't dream that she killed him? Is it a nightmare to marry her? how come! ! !

When she was thinking about it, she heard Noah’s hoarse voice. “Sure enough, you even lie to me, you are not willing.”

"Oh, no..." Shen Qianshu held his shoulder and looked at him fixedly. "Do you want to get married?"

Noah's eyes are bright, she is willing?

What does she mean?

Since I have figured it out, Noah and Yuling are one person. There is no so-called independent personality. Shen Qianshu is relaxed. You don’t want to admit each other. You are all one person and one soul.

"Noah, I am proposing marriage, you are hesitating, are you not willing to marry me?"

"Of course I am willing." Noah said that as soon as he promised, the head began to hurt, as if there was a voice constantly talking in his mind, Noah curled up with his head in pain, Shen Qianshu sat on the bed. Hold him tight

(End of this chapter)

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