Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 1438: I am wearing a wedding dress and marrying you.

Chapter 1438 I am wearing a wedding dress and marrying you

This is an illusion. The sound he often hears is just an illusion. It is very harmful to the spirit.

"Noah, calm down, calm down, actually nothing, you look at me." Shen Qianshu held his face, kissed his lips and gently pressed against his forehead. "Nothing." Nothing sounds, you look at me, you look at me!"

In the midst of a mess, Noah was on the black grape-like eyes of Shen Qianshu. The black and white was firm and soft. The sounds that hovered in the ear were like the fire met the ice, and it instantly went out, and his world returned to tranquility. There are only the sound of the sea breeze, the sound of the waves, and the sound of their breathing, tightly entwined.

"You listen, there is no sound." Shen Qianshu's voice is gentle.


Noah’s emotions are finally calm. There is no sound of the night tomb at the ear. Shen Qianshu rolled up his paintings. When he plans to go home, he will make a photo frame and hang it. If you wear a wedding photo, you can When the wedding photo was taken.

Noah is full of joy, he always feels that in the mind of Shen Qianshu, it is not as important as the night tomb.

During this time, I felt her enthusiasm and tenderness. She was very accommodating and gentle, and made him a bit of greed. He just persuaded himself to confess his life and return the night tomb. Give her, she will smile more happier, but at the moment it collapsed all over, he did not want to return.

"Noah, I have discussed with you one thing. There is a team of psychiatrists on the island. It is different from the team of Bo Yiren. The identification report they gave you, I feel that it is not practical, there are doubts, you... You do an inspection with them, okay?"

Noah was so angry that she suddenly pushed her away. The children’s paintings saw the posture of the two people fighting fast. They hurriedly wanted to stop and get caught by the night. The children’s paintings screamed and kicked, and the night was nothing but a treasure. "You have added oil to the fire, don't bother my brother."

"You let me go, you... you got my wig!!!"

Night, "..."

The head can be broken, the blood can flow, and the hair can not be messed up!

"I thought that you are good to me, it is for me, I really like me. It turns out that I was deceiving me to treat. You just hope that he will come back. Then I hope to kill me. Are you? You lied to me, you said Like me, love me, lie to me, you lied to me, you lied to me, you lied to me..." Noah's emotions are very exciting and killing.

All the blood was swaying, clamoring to go with the night tomb, such a fierce emotion, almost let him collapse, Shen Qianshu fixedly looked at him, waiting for his vent to end.

"Noah, I love you, I feel bad, I like you, I have never lied to you. I don't want you to die at all, nor will you let you die. You believe me." Shen Qianshu said, "Your illness, they The diagnosis is wrong, you need a new diagnosis, you believe me once, I will stay with you, will not let you die, I will always, hold your hand."

"I don't believe it!" Noah yelled, the mood had reached the edge of the collapse, and I was so scared that the night was trembled. After my brother turned, it was a little terror, poor nephew.

Shen Qianshu never violently violent, especially for Noah, can't go, "Noah, if you are willing to cooperate with the doctor, we are married, okay? On this island, I am wearing a wedding dress and marrying you!" ”


Little fairies, May Day, the new month begins, the monthly ticket is also doubled, asking for the little mooncakes in the hands of the little fairies, this month I will try to write a lot of small theaters, ask for monthly tickets! ! Double.

(End of this chapter)

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