Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 1487: Deaf people are feelings 2

Chapter 1487, Deaf people are feelings 2

"Admitted to three conditions, then reconciliation, or see the court." Chen Hao completely had no patience, a big company, so she did not expect that the lawsuits were approaching the court, knowing that they could not convince the court Come to reconcile.


Shen Qianshu also thought that in fact, reconciliation is a win-win situation for them. Going to court is the last resort. For them, the victory is very big for them. But if B is willing to take a step back and give them favorable conditions, It is not impossible to step back.

Will has been a little angry and angry. He almost whispered and Shen Qianshu apologized, and he was willing to make a lot of concessions. He did not expect Shen Qianshu to be so stubborn.

The children's paintings killed two pieces of matcha cake in succession.

The restaurant's ingredients are too high-grade, very delicious, and the cake is quite delicious. The children's paintings can't stop eating, and they have another piece. They are hit by Shen Qianshu and they are not allowed to eat.

The children's paintings are pouting, very wronged, super delicious.

Shen Qianshu said, "A charming man must have self-control ability, can't indulge, whether it is a desire for a stomach, or something else."

If this means something, let the children's paintings completely say goodbye to the cake. If they can't get another piece of cake, Will is anxious, and excuses to go to the bathroom. Bailey hurriedly got up and chased him out. There was only one Megan in B. people.

"I copied you, not intentional." Megan said, "I am not explaining to you, just let you know that I am not a plagiarism, this is the first time I have done this kind of thing. B designer The competition is very powerful. We need performance and results. During that time, I was in a very bad state, lost love, insomnia, and disgusting. Not to mention designing a jewelry, I lost even the most basic appreciation. I have no way. Independent creation, internal assessment and competition between designers can not matter whether your private life affects the state, I have no choice but to find another way."

Megan said, "Pely said that your jewelry exhibition has the same work as mine. I have a feeling that my secret is being poked. I am very scared. I can only hold a strong breath and can't admit that I am plagiarized. I also prayed in my heart that the people who participated in the competition were not you. I still have a chance to pull back a game. I didn’t expect that I was defeated. This is my fault, but I am not a recidivist. I designed these years. The works are my independent works."

Her words can't impress Shen Qianshu. Even if the situation is not good, the internal competition pressure is not an excuse for her plagiarism.

This excuse is too bad.

Shen Qianshu has no worries in his heart. Yunan sneer. "Puzzle is not the worst of you. If you are only in a bad state, plagiarized, and apologize, this matter will pass, and we will not chase it. We are not the kind of people who are rushing to kill, nor do you need your B family to expose us, but after you plagiarize, not only do not apologize, but also take a trip, this is your worst, not repentance."

Megan chilled his face, and Yunan screamed like a kitten. "Whoever has a love affair, when Li Chen fell in love, the state was so good that he designed his most classic work." ”

Gu Yuanan, "..."

He didn't say anything, didn't do it, just lay the gun like this?


I am updating very early today, because I am coming to the Shanghai Library, the little fairy in Shanghai is coming to meet, I will be there in the afternoon, oh, what, please ask for a monthly ticket!

(End of this chapter)

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