Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 1488: Have a business to do

Chapter 1488 has a business to do

This event was finally unhappy, and no one talked about it. Mr. Will refused to take on the matter in the name of B, and refused to disclose Li Chen’s affairs and insisted on using other things instead. Shen Qianshu refused.

Will got on the bus and his face was very poor. Bailey said, "Boss, it's really impossible to push all of Megan and me, and try to reduce the damage to the brand. This is the best way."

Megan looked out the window. She had already felt that her future was dark. For a long time, she would face the state of being blocked by the industry. She was not willing and really reluctant.

She worked hard for so long, continually climbed up, and finally managed to gain a foothold in the B family. In the end, she lost everything because of plagiarism. She did have a mistake, but she was not mistaken to the point of being irreparable.

Is Shen Qianshu trying to kill her? In order to give Li Chen a name, she must sacrifice her?

Plagiarism in the industry is indeed a big taboo. There are some unwritten rules in the viable industry. When some big designers are not inspired, they will use the works of small designers. In fact, they are also plagiarism, which is the issue of signature, and joint. The issue of signature.

It is the B family. Some seasonal products are said to be jointly produced by several people. The first one will be a big designer. However, he may not participate in the design, but only hangs a first signature. This is the industry. The default thing inside.

Therefore, Megan has always felt that he is wrong, is she wrong to be attacked by everyone?

She thinks of all the glory of her own year, and the star designer who is fully committed by B, has a dazzling prospect. Everyone is looking forward to her eruption. After the lawsuit, she will flash like a meteor. It will not be remembered, she is not willing.

Very unwilling.

If... Shen Qianshu can't attend the lawsuit, then that's fine.

There was a very cold and very excited light in her eyes. If Shen Qianshu could not attend the lawsuit, the lawsuit would be gone. Perhaps Shen Qianshu died...

Her eyes flashed with greed and viciousness.

The wages of avarice is death.

Everyone is selfish. She wants to defend her honor in her own way. As long as the lawsuit is postponed and given up, there will not be too many people who know this lawsuit because it is not a public trial.

As long as there is no trial result, in the end they will dominate the paradox and everything can be changed.

Yes, everything can change.

As long as they are unable to attend the lawsuit.

As soon as she thought about this possibility, she was thrilled with excitement.

"Meggen, Megan, what are you thinking about, what did the boss say?"

Megan said, "I heard it."

Back pot...B is planning to sacrifice her, even if she compensates her for a sum of money, what is the use of this money, this money can not let her food and clothing worry, she wants to solve once and for all, solve her current problems.

Or Lu Mengxi woke up her.

As long as the lawsuit is not successful, this matter will be solved.

Lu Mengxi also gave her a channel to let her choose, is it hands-on, all the choices are in her, Megan is anxious inside, hesitant to take the phone, is it really necessary to do it?

Ask someone to assassinate Shen Qianshu, she can afford the price.

Even if all the money is paid, as long as the lawsuit is not successful, it is worth it.

Megan called and looked cold. "With a business, you will be interested."

(End of this chapter)

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