Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 1491: Disgusting person's flies

Chapter 1491 Disgusting People's Flies

When Shen Qianshu just came home, he saw the night mausoleum coming out. The panicked eyes became very stable at the moment of seeing her. It seemed to be relieved. Chen Hao said, "Your husband is really handsome and more dedicated. Sticky people, Yufu has surgery."

It’s just amazing.

At first, I knew that when Shen Qianshu and the night mausoleum were together, few people didn't think about it. Gradually, everyone discovered that in their relationship, the night mausoleum is not the one who dominates. Shen Qianshu is. Fortunately, this relationship is equal, he paid all the feelings, Shen Qianshu also used all the enthusiasm to return.

If not, fear is not good.

Shen Qianshu won the up, "Mr. What happened?"

It looks a bit serious.

The night mausoleum rubbed her hand in one hand and dragged her into the villa. What happened to Chen Yu and the child? They all have a bit of a loss, what is this?

Have you quarreled?

"What's wrong? The strength of the night mausoleum is not very heavy. I didn't hurt her. Shen Qianshu gently covered the back of his hand. The night mausoleum simply said the things that Meng Qi said, faintly said," Tell me where I will go later. ”

If he was not around, he would not be at ease. Even if he let the bell burn to protect him, he would be safe. Anyway, it was a mistake in his heart to remember his life.

It’s incredible that Shen Qianshu is incredible, Meigen is good, Will is good, is the brain broken? Even want to buy a killer to kill, but also bought a friend of Meng Qi, is she a neurosis?

Although Shen Qianshu is the owner of the black rose, it is not the thinking of the black rose. In the time of the black rose, the strong is born, the weak is dead, and some things can not be dealt with will use the power of the black rose.

But this is a matter of work. It is a very common lawsuit. It is going to kill people and destroy the corpses. This is vicious.

"Weir is looking for a dead end." The night mausoleum said indifferently, how can the B family be able to do so, even if he is internationally renowned for centuries, he has a way to let him slowly disappear into history.

Shen Qianshu thinks of Mr. Will's words. Although the president is selfish and has no feelings, he should not use murder to solve this problem. Otherwise, he has already bought it, why wait until today.

"Sir, don't worry, let me deal with this matter."

The night tomb nodded, Shen Qianshu came out to find the bell burning, and found him. "It may not be a bit flat recently. You follow the children's painting, don't let your eyes go."

" OK, I know."

Zhongming also listened to the night mausoleum. I have long felt that Shen Qianshu would let him look at children's paintings. After all, the young master is the most important existence and the weakest existence. It is most suitable for meat tickets.

He remembered the first time he saw a children's picture.

He is also a meat ticket.

Very arrogant little meat ticket.

Suddenly I felt that if I was kidnapped, it seems to be good. Anyway, the unlucky one must not be his young master.

Shen Qianshu sent a text message to Meng Qi, thanking him for venting the letter. She went to the black rose system to check the source of the incident. The people of the black rose are quite powerful, and only the door owner can have such authority and use all the Resources to check.

In less than ten minutes, she got Megan's call record and money record. She found another international killer. The middleman turned out to be Lu Mengxi. Shen Qianshu smiled coldly. She hadn't heard the name for a while.

(End of this chapter)

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