Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 1492: Die without repentance

Chapter 1492 is not repenting

Unexpectedly, she came to die again.

Some people are really like locusts, which is annoying. From time to time, they will come to disgusting you. Shen Qianshu did not care about Lu Mengxi. She smiled coldly at the pictures on the screen.

"It seems that I am too gentle, let you misunderstand." Shen Qianshu looks indifferent, "is my fault."

She got up, picked up the phone, and called Li Zhiyuan. The domestic matter still needs Li Zhiyuan to come out.

"Small Li, help me do one thing."

"it is good."

Li Zhiyuan has retired to the safety line of friends and subordinates. He is very disciplined. Even if there are some weak expectations in his heart, he knows that there is no chance at night.

As long as Shen Qianshu can think of him occasionally, even if he is going to do something, he is happy when he receives her call.

Shen Qianshu confessed to Li Zhiyuan. Since Lu Mengxi was going to make trouble, it would make trouble. Now she is crushing her strength, and she is not afraid of Lu Mengxi. She is not afraid of what moths she uses.

City A, Lu Mengxi off work, just arrived at the garage below the building, suddenly felt a cold attack oncoming, Lu Mengxi reaction is also fast, but people come to react faster, her eyes are black, has been comatose.

When she woke up, she was already tied to a fixed iron stool in an abandoned warehouse. Lu Mengxi’s eyes sank and she was kidnapped? This is not the first time Lu Mengxi was kidnapped.

She is still calm, she kidnapped others, and was kidnapped, this thing can not scare her, she would like to know who eats the bear heart leopard, dare to kidnap her, simply do not die.

Li Zhiyuan came to the light. The young man who grew up with her childhood was cold and indifferent. Lu Mengxi even thought that Shen Qianshu sent someone to kidnap her, but she did not expect it to be Li Zhiyuan.


Seeing that it was Li Zhiyuan, she also completely breathed a sigh of relief. Li Jia and Lu Jia are world friends. Even if there is anything wrong with them, they will not affect the two families. He should not ask her for her life.

"What are you doing, crazy?" Lu Mengxi said faintly, "Let me go."

She struggled slightly, her hands were locked, she couldn't move, her feet were locked, and Li Zhiyuan stood in front of her. "I have warned you, don't mess with Qianshushu, you just don't listen."

"Shen Qianshu?" Lu Mengxi's face changed, could not help but sneer, "The source, people have a flower protector, you still do not change, but also for her, I have been touched by you."

"You...repent and don't repent, and you are right." Li Zhiyuan looked extraordinarily indifferent. He smiled slightly. "I know that you are Mr. Yuan, but you made your last claim. Mr. Yuan is quite not. Happy, he has never been guilty of ghost towns, nor will he offend Black Rose. He is just a person who focuses on his own business. You have repeatedly used his name to provoke him. He has given up on you. This time, if you have an accident, who will come? It’s too stupid to save you, you want to kill someone by knife."

Stupid, he didn't know what to say to her.

Her thing, Shen Qianshu knows, or Li Zhiyuan knows? Megan is really useless. "Yes, Megan is my friend. She asked me if I want a contact. I want to do something. How can I not fulfill her? What is it about me? How do I know who she is going to deal with? She wants to deal with Shen Qianshu? You should look for her."

(End of this chapter)

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