Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 1588: Little apple is missing

Chapter 1588 Little Apple is missing

The chef made a lot of dishes. At the beginning of the night, the amount of food in the night was doubled. The night court was sometimes confused. She ate so much, where did she eat?

Is it not long and not long?

This... wasted food.

"Is there a dessert?" asked at the beginning of the night.

The night court looked at the dessert on the table, several ice cream balls, the chef specially made for her, she liked it, made a six-color ball, a whole six balls, and the dessert was brought over at night.

"Slightly eat a little, you can't eat too much ice after a meal."

"Uh-huh." At the beginning of the night, I ate a small mouth, and I was so happy that I was bubbling. I nodded my hand. The night court had just a phone call. Mu Yuan’s phone, he went to pick up the phone.

"Mu Yuan, what?"

"When are you going back to New York?"


Mu Yuan said faintly, "Give me a technical team, I have something to do."

The night court 昀 蹙 , , , 穆 穆 穆 穆 穆 穆 穆 穆 穆 穆 穆 穆 穆 穆 穆 穆 穆 穆 穆 穆 穆 穆 穆 穆 穆 穆 穆 穆 穆 穆 穆 穆 穆 穆 穆 穆 穆 穆 穆 穆 穆 穆

"Well, I told him."

There is no doubt about him in the night court. "Oh, I know, what are your requirements? You send me an email. I will let Welin arrange it for you."

"Yes!" Mu Yuan is also very simple, the night court hangs up the phone, thoughtfully, if he remembers correctly, this time Somali international aid, Jack will also go, and he received reliable news, this time is European-led, there are some doorways, some specially deal with the Anderson family, arranged a trap.

It’s just that these two days are busy at the beginning of the night, and it’s hard to delay this. Wei Lin hasn’t investigated it yet. Mu Yuan may want to investigate Jack’s business. The night court thinks, this saves him. effort.

He thoughtfully returned to the table.


At the beginning of the night, I ate two huge steaks and ate a bunch of messy dinners. Almost after he doubled the amount of food, he ate all the ice cream balls. She tried to figure out the edge and tried to fish out one. A little bit of ice cream, eating ice cream at the corners of your mouth.



Can you eat this way?

The night court suddenly recovered from the phone of Mu Yuan. It was a rare mistake. He couldn’t help but ask, "Is it full?"

"Full." At the beginning of the night, "I still want to eat an apple."

A good habit of an apple every day can't be broken.

"Good!" said the night court, "I will cut it for you."

The butler took a washed apple, did not need him to cut, has been cut, the night court to feed her, a little uncomfortable at the beginning of the night, want to come, the night court said, "you are not convenient with a spoon eat."

At the beginning of the night, I thought of it, and gave her an apple directly. She would like to lick the apple. Why should she cut it into a small piece? Every time I have to feed her at night, it’s a little weird. How good she is.

The night court is also very patient and thinks about one thing.

Small apple.

Has the apple been missing recently? I have given her a message several times and never returned it. This is relatively rare. Although it will occasionally be broken, she will explain it in advance. This time, nothing is said, it is rare.

The last time I poked her, was it angry?

He was a god, and the knife and fork almost poked into the nose at the beginning of the night. He was angry at the beginning of the night. "I don't eat!"

Night court, "..."

(End of this chapter)

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