Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 1589: Sweet little brother

Chapter 1589 Sweet Little Brother

I was angry at the beginning of the night, but I couldn’t help it. Because I couldn’t see it, I couldn’t get away with it. “You are not my brother at all.”

Outside Willin and two agents nodded.

Right, he is not your brother.

He is a wolf and wants to eat you.

Of course, you are not a little white rabbit.

The night court was very calm, and the fingers gently wiped the cream on the lips at the beginning of the night. At the beginning of the night, I was unprepared and sat stiff. I only felt that someone touched her lips gently. Some thin fingers gently pressed her lips and scraped her soft lips. At the beginning of the night, the goose bumps seemed to blow up.

The scalp is all fried.


"The girl's temper is not so violent." The night court said, "I am not your brother, will I be so good to you?"

Thinking at night, is he good to her?

It seems that since she was blind, she has always been with her, she never gave her a look, and she will not give her a little embarrassment. Whether she is angry or anxious, the night court is always good-tempered. This made her a bit skeptical. Is he really a brother and sister with her?

No, he is a liar.

He must not have a picture of her!

definitely is!

"I don't remember that I have a brother." At the beginning of the night, "I only have a righteous father."

"Your memory stays in a certain period of time, has not fully recovered, your righteous father is dead, I am your brother, you have already gone home."

Said at the beginning of the night, "You are nonsense, my righteous father is not dead!"

The memory at the beginning of the night is rather confusing, and it is not really a loss of memory. In the past few days, she has had a father who has died and her memory flashed past, but she has never believed that her righteous father is really dead. I feel that the night court must lie to him.

At the beginning of the night, the brain opened wide. "You must be the enemy of the righteous father. The righteous father said that he has many enemies. Many people want to catch me and use me to threaten the righteous father, so he can bring him to live at sea. You are the enemy. I am not your sister, how can my brother meet my sister..."

She can't say it at once.

How can a brother hug his sister so much, how can a brother stay at the bedside of his sister all night, and there is a brother who will even have to take care of his sister’s bath. It must not be a brother or an enemy.

He is the enemy of the righteous father, deliberately good to her, so that she is not prepared, use her to seduce the righteous father.

Well, that's it.

She is not fooled.

The night court didn't know what her brain had made up for her **** plot. She looked at her like a smile. If they didn't know it in that way, he thought... maybe they would become good friends.

It was so cute at night.

There has never been such a cute little girl around him at the beginning of the night.

I want to laugh and laugh, cry when I want to cry, I am very scared after being blind, and I am very embarrassed, but I deliberately pretend that I have nothing to bear. I know that I have nothing, but when I eat, I am full of happiness. She is very happy and very enthusiastic, but only beside him, because of hatred, she is bound by nature.

"I am your brother." The night court said, "You just recognized me, stranger, I can understand, I will not hurt you."

"You are a liar." At the beginning of the night, I blocked all the words of the night court.

The night court is not happy, "Good, good, good, I am a liar, then the little sister at the beginning of the night, what do I have to defraud from you?"

(End of this chapter)

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