Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 1631: Just kill me

Chapter 1631 kills me.

He took his pistol from Mu Yuan's waist and pulled a pistol against Lehman's chest. He quickly fired two shots. The agent around Lehman reacted very quickly. He shot a good shot and Shan Ning was a tough guy in the abdomen. After a shot, the hand did not stop, and the agent was shot again.

"Shen Ning!"

All this happened too fast, and Mu Yuan had no time to react. He turned his back to Shan Ning and called the night court. When he turned around, he saw Lehman’s muzzle facing Shan Ning.

And Shan Ning has already fired.

Blood continually spread from Lehman's chest, and the lion mercenaries were shocked for a while.

Shan Ning's face is pale, "Xiaoyuan, he wants to kill me, I am just... self-defense."

Shan Ning licked the wound, and the blood continually flowed out of the fingertips. Mu Yuan’s look changed and he held his wound. He ran to Lehman, “Lehman...”

He lifted Lehman in one hand, pressed his wound in one hand, his eyes were red, Lehman's mouth, and blood spurted out of his nose. "He...he..."

Mu Yuan yelled, "Call the rescue, call the rescue immediately, how much money, I will give you!"

The shadow was opened, "This... can't save it."

There was a medical soldier under the shadow of the hand. He hurriedly took a look at Lehman. He shook his head against Mu Yuan. Both shots hit the heart and could not be saved. The agents next to him would not live.

Mu Yuan’s mind creaked. He just turned around and made a phone call. How could this happen?

The group of shadow mercenaries also looked at each other.

From their point of view, Lehman first used guns to confront Shan Ning, and Shen Ning defended himself against self-defense. Mu Yuan’s eyes were blurred, as if someone had dug his heart out and stepped on his feet.


"My brother... brother..." Lehman suddenly gasped, slowly closing his eyes and stopping his heartbeat. Mu Yuan seemed to be settled. He was cold and turned around and saw the unconscious lying on the ground. Shan Ning, a **** desert.

It seems as if his world is also fragmented.

The sound of the helicopter hovering is getting closer and closer. When the shadow mercenary saw it as a black eagle, he immediately got into the car and roared away. Jack saw the following mess in the helicopter, and saw the shadow man fleeing.

"Wesley, the mercenary will be handed over to you."

"Yes!" Wesley was on the helicopter behind, did not follow, came over, turned around to chase the shadow mercenary, the helicopter stopped in the desert, Jack came down from the helicopter, this desert, only Mu Yuan, The rest of the people were lying down, and Jack's eyebrows were condensed.


He suddenly realized what he was, and quickly ran over. Mu Yuan supported Lehman's back, a large piece of blood in his chest, and dyed his T-shirt. Jack's eyes narrowed.

Looks like slow motion, slowly facing the eyes of Mu Yuan lost.

Jack kneels down and puts his finger under Lehman's neck. He has lost his temperature and his heart has stopped beating. Jack clenched his fist and went to check the agent next to him. He didn't have a heartbeat. Looking back, seeing Shan Ning is like a With a body, lying in the desert.

Mu Yuan fixedly looked at Jack. Both of them were kneeling in the yellow sand. They were so close, but the one that Jack turned back, let Mu Yuan hit a chill, never seen him look with such cold eyes. he.

(End of this chapter)

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