Chapter 1632 kills me 2

Even when he first met, he was a high-ranking, inhumane instructor, and he had never used such a temperatureless look to see him.

Mu Yuan’s hands trembled slightly.


Jack, sorry!

He also doesn't know why this happened, obviously it shouldn't be, it's just a matter of money. No one should pay for it, no one!

"Who shot it?"

For a long time, Mu Yuan heard Jack's restrained and cold voice, and his throat seemed to be blocked by something.

"Do you know who is in your arms?"

Mu Yuan seems to have lost his mind, but he has to listen.

"He is the son of my uncle, the only son, Lehman Anderson." Jack slammed his back on his back. "It is the most loved brother of me and Wesley. He has a bad temper and is very violent. I have taught many times. His heart is not bad, he is a good boy."

His voice was worded, like coming from hell. "He is only 21 years old this year, he is younger than you."

Mu Yuan couldn't explain all of this. His legs were in the yellow sand and he was numb. Jack looked at him coldly. "Take your hand away, don't touch him."

Mu Yuan fixedly looked at Jack and saw a scarlet scorpion in his ice blue eyes.

He has known Jack for so many years, the first time he saw him... there was tears in his eyes.

But it is so restrained and forbearing.

Mu Yuan’s internal organs were all bleeding like bleeding. He put Lehman gently on the ground. Jack picked up his gun and the clip fell in his hand. The original full clip, only three rounds left. bullet.

Jack clenched his gun in both hands and almost crushed the gun.

"You killed me." Mu Yuan said.

Jack endured and endured, never resisted, and his fist slammed his face and slammed his face on the face of Mu Yuan. Mu Yuan was knocked over by him on the ground, and his lips bleed instantly. Jack roared, "Who opened the gun?"

Mu far silent, not making noise.

"My brother has a grumpy temper and never kills innocent people. Even if he is tied to Shan Ning, it is just a matter of cause. He will never let him die for no reason. What's more, I have let him go."

He picked up the collar of Mu Yuan in one hand, and the voice seemed to run through the eardrum of Mu Yuan. "I have let him go, why do you want his life!"

"I'm sorry!" Mu Yuan voice choked.

Jack had another fist, hitting Mu’s face, angered, exhausted his full strength, Jack’s gaze, like eating him, a tear fell, he wiped his face like sitting in the abyss The roar of people for hundreds of years, "Xiaoyuan, where can I be sorry for you?"

Mu Yuan listened numbly.

Don't say it, don't say it anymore.

"Why are you going to face this face?"

Don't say it, please, don't say it!

Mu Yuan is roaring in his heart, but he can't say a word in one sentence. He can't say a defense. Shan Ning just rescued him from the desert and defended himself. It was a tragedy.

He said that it was a gun that was kindly opened, and Shan Ning was still lying on the ground, not knowing what to do.

Mu Yuan slowly walked over, as if the two men were intimate in the old time, leaning gently against his chest, reaching out to his waist with one hand and holding his waist in one hand.

Hard, beneficial lumbar muscles.

Mu Yuan pulled out his gun. At this time, Jack was also indifferent, let him pull the gun and give him full trust. Mu Yuan turned the handle and whispered, "kill me."

I will pay for his life!


Today's update is over, I will add more in the evening, so ask for the girl's monthly ticket! !

(End of this chapter)

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