Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 1635: Did you break it yourself?

Chapter 1635 is broken?

As usual, he seemed to have lost his youth.

"Mu Yuan..."

On the age, the night court is much bigger than Mu Yuan. Usually, Mu Yuan is only a cooperative link. Mu Yuan is a close friend of his eldest brother. This time he can see how he stepped into a desperate step by step.

"in fact……"

"It’s all my fault, isn’t it?” Mu Yuan said. “If it’s not that I am too conceited, I have to be involved in this action, I will not be arrested, Shan Ning will not come, Shan Ning will not be After a shot, there is no risk to save me, to use the money at home, Lehman will not die, and nothing will happen."

So everything is his fault.

The night court said, "There is no right or wrong in this matter, Shan Ning... Self-defense counterattack, just..."

He licked his lips, and Lehman Anderson's life would be so gone. The Anderson family wouldn't be so. He couldn't let Mu Yuan fight against this life. He couldn't help it.

"Mu Yuan, there is nothing wrong with self-defense counterattack, but Lehman’s heart is shot in the middle of the gun, and both shots are in the middle." The night court said faintly, "He has to shoot a murder, there is nothing wrong, but the second shot also hit the heart, if I It is a self-defense counterattack. In such a panic situation, it is a miracle to hit a shot, not to mention a shot. He was enough to let Lehman lie down, but made a shot to ensure that Lehman must die. ”

Mu Yuan is indifferent and long-lasting.

He smiled awkwardly. "Do you think I don't know?"

He was a man who had been shooting guns all the year round. When he helped Lehman to see two shots on his chest, he was shocked. If the first shot was self-defense, the second shot was to kill. He doesn't know?

But how should he and Shan Ning say?

He has returned a life, and may not be very good in the next few years. How can he ask Shan Ning, he is not so heartless, and he breathes deeply in the night court. "You know it."

The night court was thinking, although he was decadent, but his heart is like a mirror, this is fine.

Don't go for a life without a reason.

"Shen Ning is not out of danger. Someone here looks at it, there will be nothing. I will accompany you back to the hotel to take a break."

It was brought at the beginning of the night, and this little girl could not leave him for a moment.

He did not worry that someone in New York at the beginning of the night would simply bring her.

At the hotel, Verin was watching.

Mu Yuan sat on the ground for too long, and it was a slap in the face. It was a ghost in front of him. It took a while to see clearly. The potions had some residual effects on his body.

Upon returning to the hotel, the front desk took a parcel.

"Mr. Mu Yuan, have your parcel."

A small parcel, can't see anything, Mu Yuan shook the parcel, and there was no sound. Who knows that he lives here, who sent him a parcel? He looked at the name.

Jack Anderson.

Mu Yuan’s heart shrank and clenched the package. “I went upstairs first.”

He fled back to the room.

What did Jack mail him?

He still left something for him. He gave him something. He mailed it back. Wouldn't he want to have a little relationship with him? Mu Yuan was thinking about it, but he did not dare to guess what it was.

He didn't even dare to open the parcel. He sat for a long time and finally got the courage to open the parcel.

It is a gun.

The EU has been a firearm.

Nothing but a gun.

(End of this chapter)

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