Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 1636: Is it something to eat calcium?

Chapter 1636 is not eating a little calcium

Mu Yuan is like a lightning strike, his face is pale, Jack wants him to break his own, lost Lehman's life?

His eyes were dark, and the night of the city was like the devil's claws dancing in front of him. Mu long slowly picked up the gun. If Jack really wants him to break his own, he is willing to lose this life.

Losing this life, Shan Ning is safe.

This matter is over, and he also has the kindness of Shan Ning, and no one owes it.

Mu Yuan closed his eyes slightly, his gunpoint pointed at the temple, his eyes looked at the darkness outside the window, and he didn't know what he was looking at. The opposite side of the hotel was using a sniper mirror to observe his moving Jack's anger.


This is Mu Yuan’s interpretation of this gun? Thought he let him break his own, lost Lehman's life?

Jack never felt so angry, and there was a anger in his chest that would erode his blood. It was good. It seemed that he didn’t play heavy enough that day and didn’t make him stupid.

It’s silly, it’s like watching him hold his head against him now.

At the moment, what is he thinking?

Mu Yuan was thinking that if he could see Jack again, he would not dare or qualify. Jack said, never to appear in front of him, he never made a joke.

He also knows that life and death are not in the same league.

What is the difference between this and death?

Mu Yuan closed his eyes, opened the insurance, pulled the trigger, and the pistol slammed. It was an empty gun. Mu Yuan slammed, opened the bullet folder, and did not have a bullet.

What do you mean?

Jack also stunned a cold sweat. Fortunately, when he mailed the pistol, he carefully removed the bullets. If he didn't remove it, he mailed it according to Lehman's guns. He was the same as sending Mu Yuan on the road. .


Mu Yuan is now mentally embarrassed. It is not suitable for thinking. Jack punches the wall and Mu Yuan sees a small card in the parcel. His finger trembles and picks up the small card.

This is Lehman's gun, and he didn't even open the insurance.

Mu Yuan’s spine suddenly climbed into a cold.

What does Jack mean?

Lehman didn't open the insurance. He didn't mean to kill Shan Ning at all. Is it just scaring Shan Ning?

Is Shan Ning misunderstood?

Excessive reaction?

Mu Yuan remembered what Lehman said. At that time, Lehman was obviously a optimistic look. It was Shan Ning who asked Lehman whether he always wanted to kill him. Lehman raised his gun and then shot the gun.

Is Shan Ning reacting too much?

Mu Yuan lost all his strength. Jack also breathed a sigh of relief and put away his gun. He didn't want to be kind, but it didn't mean that he would forget it. Let Xiaoyuan check it himself and comprehend himself.

What he said was not as shocking as he did to find out the truth.

Shan Ning, you want to use my brush in front of him.


His brother will not die so white.

This life, he will get it sooner or later.


At the beginning of the night, I heard the sound of opening the door, rubbing my eyes and being sleepy. "Night court, are you coming back?"

"Well, come back."

At the dining table, the food was intact. At the beginning of the night, obviously no chopsticks were moved. The night court sat down beside her. "What's wrong, bad appetite?"

His voice was as warm as the wind, so that there was no precaution at the beginning of the night, and the little girl who did not believe him was long gone.

"I want you to feed."

The night court smiled. "Okay, I will feed you."

The dishes here are quite heavy. Fortunately, people who are willing to try at the beginning of the night are not excluded. He feeds his little girl bit by bit and can’t help but ponder.

Is it something to give her a little calcium?

Maybe... can you grow your body?

(End of this chapter)

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