Chapter 1668, his Emma

what is it call?

The night court stunned and looked at Emma. He was always gentle and quiet. Apart from being unconstrained with the netizen, the usual mood was not visible. It was difficult to see his emotions. At this moment, he really felt it. One... shocked.


His Emma?

The host Emma is an eight-year-old girl, but her image and the girl in front of her face are almost overlapping. There are a few similar, almost identical black twists, which are gentle and charming, and the facial features have similar traces. .

He has been searching for so many years, looking for embarrassment, always feels awkward, may never see Emma again in this life, Ke Weilin throws a stack of documents on his desk and tells him that this is Emma.

As long as he can open the file to see Emma, ​​he knows what Emma looks like and knows what kind of person she is. Listening to Welin, she is very good, beautiful, and smart. She is a student at Columbia Business School.

There are few people in the world who can take the exam into the business school of Columbia University. It is a famous business school. It plays the piano and plays the violin. The parents have cultivated her very well.

She... is Emma?

"Two less?" Wei Lin called a few times, he was also a bit surprised, he investigated Emma, ​​naturally also read his information did not expect her to apply for the assistant of the Miss President Office.

More than 100 people interviewed, only two people passed.

If it is not good enough, it will not get this position.

Emma was also seen to be a little overwhelmed. The night court turned back and looked at Wei Lin. I saw Wei Lin nodded. The night court shook hands slightly. "Go."

In the evening, Wei Lin, Emma and Mier went downstairs, the elevator was silent, no one spoke, Emma stood down generously, and there was some tension.

The night court is not squinting, but the heart is a storm.

He found her.

It’s not a waste of time to break through the iron shoes.

He didn't think that one day, she would come to the position of assistant to the assistant of the president. This is Honey's personal interview, she must come in by the real thing, unless he opens the back door.

Is this a fate?

This dinner, came to four professors, all middle-aged people, love to drink, Emma really is a good amount of alcohol, and there is a heroic, indeed learned, talented, talkative, small age can be combined with four professors, give The night court also saved a bit of effort, which can be said to be the guest and the host.

It’s hard to be silent in the night court. He has always been slick on this occasion. Today, his eyes are on Emma. He almost watched her intently, watching her drink constantly, constantly talking with people, falling and generous, knowing the book, simply It is the white moonlight in his dreams.

He has thought about it many times, what Emma will look like when he grows up, and there is no concept at all. His little Emma was a very strange little girl when she was a child.

But she said that the tutor is stricter. If she is a small temper, she will be punished. She has to learn the manners since she was a child. She is very tired, so the little Emma is the same as the former.

The night court once thought that when she grew up, she should not be so agile and pneumatic, and she should grow up to be a lady who knows the book.

Today, Emma in front of him has implemented his imaginary white moonlight.

He has one, ah, she turned out to be such a girl, as he said.


Does she still remember him?

Have you long forgotten?

(End of this chapter)

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