Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 1669: Her mother tongue

Chapter 1669 Her mother tongue

Mier is the secretary-general of the night court, and several secretaries and assistants in the office are selected. They are selected when they are in high school. They are trained all the way to become the secretary and assistant of the night court.

Miss spent a lot of money and time on them and bought their loyalty and ability.

They are willing to serve two services. From the time they are selected and change their destiny, they serve the night court. There are only two codes, first, loyalty, and second, don't fall in love with the night court.

If you fall in love with the night, you must leave.

Three of the secretaries had left, and one of them had a savvy goodwill. In order to keep the job, three days of lightning marriage, broke the thoughts, they are the most loyal partners of the night court.

The host Emma thing, miss building, few people do not know, honey chose Emma when she also considered, she has seen the small Emma, ​​choose the assistant, is to choose the night court, look pleasing, like, so she is In the crowd, Emma was seen at first sight, and her ability was very good. Even if there was no such similarity, she would choose.

Is it right?

Two few lonely people for so many years, always accompanied by a computer, he needs a more energetic, temperature human, rather than a computer, they are watching him date with the computer, eat, sleep, treat the computer as a girlfriend People are very distressed.

Honey thought, she should not choose the wrong person.

This Emma, ​​perhaps able to walk into the heart of two.

Wei Lin's dark, unintentional willows, it is awesome, the little short-legged and rude little dwarf will soon be driven away, hahahaha, who let her smash two less.

If it is not a knack for two, he may still think she is a little cute.


At the beginning of the night, I took an afternoon class. The old professor was very satisfied with her growth. At the beginning of the night, the evaluation scored a high score, and gave a one-on-one teaching for this period of time.

The old professor is very satisfied.

I was very happy at the beginning of the night.

"You actually speak French?" The old professor just called his wife and used French. He understood the words at the beginning of the night and said that the old professor is a good man.

"I will." At the beginning of the night, she scratched her head. She understood all of it. She thought she just understood the girl, fought, praised some simple words, because few people spoke French in front of her, and she misunderstood herself. Can understand some, but the old professor, she understands all.

The old professor feels a little unbelievable. This girl can learn even English and know French.

The old professor read a story in French. At the beginning of the night, he explained the core of the story intact. The old professor was a little surprised and said that he was right. "Your French foundation is good."

"is it?"

I laughed happily at the beginning of the night. She didn't know if the foundation was good or not. Anyway, I could understand it.

"Do you know the French word?"

"I don't know, I am jealous." At the beginning of the night, the old professor said that she was a blind man. "Do you want to learn French?"

"Yes." The idea at the beginning of the night was also very simple. Inexplicably, Helen said that Helen said that she was not cultural, rude, uncultivated, and thought that learning more things would always be good.

The old professor tried to say a relatively deep French essay and found that she could understand everything at the beginning of the night. Her French foundation was better than her English, and she did not know how many times, just as French is her mother tongue.


Today's update is over! ! ! ! Seeking a monthly pass hahaha

(End of this chapter)

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