Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 1670: Raw rice cooked rice

Chapter 1670 Raw Rice Cooked Ripe Rice

The night court came back very late on this day. The night sky was starry. At night, a person sat outside the open-air balcony. The old professor left very early. Only Xiaoju accompanied her. She listened to an afternoon French radio station. There is no word to listen to. Do not understand, even vaguely know how to spell.

Xiaoju sees the night court and comes back, leaving to leave.

"Miss at the beginning of the night is in a bad mood today." Xiaoju said before the departure and the night court, the night court pulled the tie, loosened it, dropped it aside, went outside the open-air balcony, and wore a headset at the beginning of the night. I was listening to the news on the radio, and I was still in my heart. I still had a pen in my hand, a book, I didn’t know what I was writing.

He is close and his footsteps are light. In fact, he was discovered at the beginning of the night, but she had to pretend to be a scorpion, pretending not to see, and then wrote a French in the notebook, I love you.

Also painted a love.

In the evening, she raised her eyebrows and sat down beside her. At the beginning of the night, she turned her head slightly, and the stars fell into her eyes, emitting dazzling starlight, reflecting the face of his jade.

"Is my brother?"

"What are you doing?" asked the evening court, reaching out and gently stroking her head. At the beginning of the night, the inexplicable mood was unpleasant. After listening to an afternoon French radio station, I forgot to ask Xiaoju to ask how to seduce the night court. When I saw the night court, I remembered that she would let the night court fall in love with her. Some of them were in a hurry and took the initiative to put the notebook in front of him.

French I love you, a little love.

The font is not pretty, but it is very clear.


"Learning French?"

"I will." At the beginning of the night, I put the headphones on, and put the news on French radio. "I can understand."

"It’s really amazing at the beginning of the night." The night court was not too unexpected. I didn’t have much contact with French at the beginning of the night. The European nights were all in Paris. She didn’t have much memory before she was eight years old. If she grew up in Paris, French. The foundation should be very good. The eight-year-old child should have been able to learn. When he was at sea, he just had no chance to get in touch.

The night court looked at her thoughtfully. Is it necessary for the night brother to come over and see if the sister who lost the night is missing, but why is he so resistant?

Emma, ​​he thought of Emma, ​​and there was a thorn in his heart.

"At the beginning of the night, you go to sleep alone. I let Xiaoju come up again. I have something to go out."


In the evening, I remembered Emma at noon. I didn’t have much contact with Emma for a day, and I didn’t know much about her. I heard that Miyal was a very good girl.

He got into the car and opened the information. At the beginning of the night, he watched him leave with the information. The bag was Emma's information. He clenched his fist at the beginning of the night. Did he go to Emma?

Is Emma coming back? If he finds his sweetheart, he will not want her, what about her plan? Her plan has not been implemented, and Emma can't be returned.

What is she going to do?

Xiaoju hasn't come up yet, Helen is coming up. There are four floors in the Miss Building, which are hotel-style apartments. Some are the lounges of the high-rises. Some of them are the rooms of the agents. Xiaoju and Helen live downstairs.

The top floor is only a person at the beginning of the night. She is pretending to be a scorpion and seeing Helen is not unexpected. "Xiaoju?"

Helen smiled low, and everything that happened on the top floor was a secret. Xiaoju’s mouth was also very tight. He rarely said anything about the top floor. Helen also couldn’t find any news.

(End of this chapter)

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