Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 1762: Mommy, I found my sister.

Chapter 1762 Mommy, I found my sister.

"Sister!" Emma was flustered, and she never thought that Alice would stop her from pursuing the night court. "If I am with my brother in the night, my family will have a boost. I don't need to look at the face in the future. Why? No?"

"No, it won't work!" Alice said faintly. "Don't hit his idea."

Emma is shocked, Alice has always been overbearing, but very open-minded, Tang Enjia's man or woman, are quite overbearing, even the night Wen married is also a big overbearing, mostly self-centered people. But Alice is overbearing but not offensive. She was extremely rebellious when she was a teenager. She played all over and it was the double standard when it was her turn to discipline her sister.

Not allowed to return at night, during the middle school period is not allowed to be too close to the man, you can fall in love can not allow the intimate action of holding hands kissing, until she graduated, admitted to Colombia, Alice encouraged her to talk more about love, no matter what object She would not object, but she did not expect to be so opposed to the night court.

Is it... my sister also likes the night court?

Her brother-in-law is so good, her sister and him have only a few faces, maybe they will fall in love with him, and Alice stunned her eyes. "Okay, I am going to rest, and you go to bed early."

“Good!” Emma whispered. “Sister good night.”

Alice entered the bedroom and opened the window. She took the identification report from the bag and her fingertips trembled slightly. Even if she had a feeling of excitement, she still had a little shock.

"Mummy, I found my sister." She remembered her mother's unwilling eyes before her death. She held her hand in a deadly way. She obviously had a lifeline, but she was so strong. She thought her mother could not bear her. It wasn't long before she realized that her mother didn't want to let her go, just wanted to tell her that she must find her sister, her mommy, and she didn't pay attention.

All of them were burned out, but they kept a breath, waiting to see her, knowing that everyone in Tang’s family could not believe, so they refused to close their eyes and insisted on waiting for her, but she came too late, her mommy said no. A word.

Alice is quite rebellious in her bones. Although she was smart when she was a child, she was also a little trouble. She barely got much maternal love. Night Wen gave all her love to her little daughter, although she could not see it several times a year. She has always missed her little daughter. It is inevitable for her eldest daughter to neglect. Alice hated her sister when she was a child. During the second illness period, she thought even more. Without her sister, her mother would not hurt her.

Because she hated, she never went to see her sister. The man of Tang Enjia did not allow her to go. The Tang En family was a Catholic. She was loyal to marriage. Emma was cursed and sent to the small castle. She is the only heir, and she is afraid that she has a little Unexpectedly, Yuwen wanted to take her to see her sister. When she came to her own, she had a rebellious mentality. Secondly, her father and grandfather refused, so she had never seen her sister until the accident.

In the fourth year after the death of Night Wen, she sorted out the relics of Ye Wen and found that there was a small video in her camera. Before the accident in the small castle, there were two beautiful little girls playing in the video. The video, a small video of twenty minutes, records the daughter's lively and lovely appearance.

There are two girls in the video who are almost tall and black and black eyes. The faces are not the same. Maybe they grew up together. The charm is similar. She always knows that her sister’s daughter is a daughter. wire.

(End of this chapter)

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