Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 1763: Mommy, I found my sister 2

Chapter 1763 Mommy, I found my sister 2

Although the two little girls were playing together, the night Wen was chasing and shooting, and did not say a word from beginning to end, but Alice could determine who is the sister, because the night lens has been turned around the little daughter.

This is a video she shot for understanding Acacia. The sister in the video is lively and lovely, and it is very moving. It is not a sly appearance after going home, or even a bit of slavery.

Emma had just arrived at Dunn's house and Alice. She couldn't understand Emma everywhere. She was too weak, and she said that she was kind and gentle, and that she was too soft.

It was not until this video that she saw a little clue. Although Emma came back with her sister's skin, she didn't know because she was too confident that the Tang En family had never seen the little princess and did not completely transform herself into the early night. Only six or seven points are similar. She has kept her own face in the daring, only slightly changed her facial features.

But she hasn't heard anything. Until she was in middle school, a friend's father was a doctor. She took her and Emma's blood samples to test. They were not sisters.

Where did the real sister go, she couldn’t know that the truth about the fire in the little castle was unknown, but she could see her eyes before she died. If she had to eat her, she couldn’t say a word because of the oil. For the sake of the words, no one knows.

Although Alice hates her sister, she does feel that her sister is a burden when she is in the middle of the disease. It does not mean that she really wants her sister to die, and some people dare to dare to live in the sky and live with her sister.

Tang Enjia's old man had a bad heart disease, and Emma went home with a sweet mouth. He remembered that the old man almost forgot that he had to send Emma to the small castle, let them separate the flesh and blood, like Emma, ​​like it, Alice. Always concealing it is not afraid of stimulating the body of Grandpa. Secondly, she suspects that the milkmaid and Emma had committed a crime of intentional homicide, or that she was hiding her sister. When the little castle was on fire, there was no body at night, in case she exposed Emma, They did not stop and killed her sister.

Unexpectedly, it was wrong to see it.

Because there was a red dragonfly on the wrist at the beginning of the night, she saw it in the video, plus a pair of eyes that were almost identical to the night, she was suspicious for a moment, and then she would pay more attention. I never thought of breaking the iron shoes. Innocent.

She also concealed the news and had a very important reason. When the city was in the middle of the year, it was her father who set fire to the small castle. Mommy heard that she had rushed to save people, and she got on her own life. This incident spreads through the city, she I ran to question my father. He also slapped her. She saw her father crying like a child in front of her mother. It was not ceremonial and she was not like a murderer.

On the contrary, the grandfather who loves her most is perhaps the real murderer. She once accidentally heard the phone call from Grandpa and Grandma, and she was shocked by a cold sweat. If she wanted to say something, she swallowed it. No wonder Mommy died.

She even suspected that when Grandpa was a double-edged sword, he wanted to kill Mom and his sister in one fell swoop. My sister was lucky enough to survive. Mommy was not so lucky. Later, I didn’t know who was exposed. My father sinned, in order to block the long mouth. Emma must be safe at home, ironic, Emma also to please Grandpa.

Alice took a deep breath and was in a family power whirlpool.

(End of this chapter)

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