Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 1765: My mind is gone

Chapter 1765, my brain is gone.

"It's very cute." Alice said, it really is the temper of the Tang En family, who is who you are, I am not happy, no one cares, Mommy said, my sister's temper is very big, "How is this hurt?"

A lot of needles have been sewed, and it is still very serious. How can people hurt so much when they are around the night court?


"She fell."

At the beginning of the night and at night, I talked almost at the same time. The atmosphere was awkward, and the night court turned to look at her. You don’t care for the person, do you want to pretend to be dumb, how can you talk?

Is fighting a very glorious thing?

Alice also knows that she and hers are too shallow, but this hurt is very glaring, slightly unpleasant, looking at the night court with a little cold, the night is a cold back, I feel it. From the gaze of the mother-in-law, "misunderstanding."

How did Alice look at his look like he played? He is willing to move her a finger? Want to be willing to move a finger, will also put all the body to let her play by the way?

The two left to leave, Alice looked at their backs, one high and one short, inexplicable harmony, she remembered what Emma said, the night court and the early childhood, I knew from a young age, the roots of the deep roots, the original sea sangtian, changed a pair The face, the one who touched his heart, was never a status and a look, but a soul that experienced the hardship but saw it.

The night court walked far away. I only saw Alice's back and looked a little confused. "Do you think that Alice is very attentive to you?"

"No, you are very diligent to me." At the beginning of the night, Xiao Yan was merciless.

I miss the night court, I don’t want to face?

"Yes, he is as diligent as I am."

Well, don't face, just squat.

"I don't know, I'm not familiar." I was too lazy to think at the beginning of the night. "She is Emma's sister, I don't like her."

Night court, "I don't like it."

He silently added, "Whoever is attentive to you, you hate who."

"Then I hate you first."

"You hate me."

"As long as you know."

"Speaking of it, you pretend to lose your memory, pretend to be blind, pretend to be stupid for so long, what are you planning, how to revenge, and say that I can cooperate with you."

Let you fall in love with me.

At the beginning of the night, I answered the heart, but she didn't say it, it was a shame.

"Xiaoju said, you still want to chase me." The night court suddenly screamed, and his face changed greatly at the beginning of the night, hatefully, "Xiaoju, a traitor, a traitor, a traitor, and later with her, I want to eat ice cream, let She had no money to return to the bank and was driven out of the house."

In the evening, Yan Jun couldn’t help but clear his throat and said, “You want to chase me, you and I said, you don’t have to chase.”


"Think about it yourself."

"My mind is gone."

Night court, "..."

He was about to talk, and suddenly a military Hummer smashed out from the other side of the road, and the horsepower was fully opened. He slammed into the car in the night court. The side impact was so striking that he suddenly hit the night sports car. A few meters away, and tumbling on the road, hit the guardrail, the bright yellow Saobao sports car was instantly invalidated, a horn sound, screams resounded through the clouds.

The dark guard of the night court was in his car, and he was separated by a car. He had been following him all the time. There was a car at the traffic light and it was blocked and blocked his sight.

Two dark guards issued an alarm at the first time and the monitoring center, and then saw three Hummers coming from the street and rushing to the crashed sports car...


Today's update is over. I should be assisted with the task. I have a full experience. You can go to the task. The comment area has a strategy.

(End of this chapter)

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