Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 1766: Choice in the face of death

Chapter 1766, The Choice Before Death

In the evening, I feel that I am a very selfish person. Before the death, everyone is equal. He always feels his own character. In the face of death, only two brothers can be worthy of his life to protect, and he remembers Little Emma. The rest of the people can give a large sum of money within the scope of their abilities, and they will contribute money, but they will never lose their lives.

But when the Hummer rushed over and the car was knocked over, the windshield cracked into thousands of thin spiders at a speed visible to the naked eye. The glass on the side was broken directly, and a piece of glass was tied. He put it. Turning on the steering wheel, holding the pieces that were tied to the beginning of the night, holding the eyes of the early night in one hand, pressing her **** the chair, then the car continued to roll, and the internal organs were shifted.

The process bumped and turned over, the sky was turned upside down, the sick sickle crossed the neck, the sports car turned over a cover, the airbag suddenly fell off, blocking the fatal wound for them, but the night court felt that his sternum hit the steering wheel, and the ear seemed to hear the broken bone. The sound, before the coma, only had time to look at whether it was good at the beginning of the night, a heart hanging in the heart, black and dark.

The fuel tank was broken, the oil leaked constantly, the weather was hot, and the street seemed to be on fire.

Three Hummers surrounded the sports car, regardless of the pedestrian’s shouts, alarms, and photographs. Several tall men with masks rushed to them, dragging them out of the sports car at the beginning of the night, one of them holding a gun and facing the night court. The head of the skull, the finger pressed on the trigger, the eyes behind the mask were terrible and bright, and the three secret guards shot at the same time at the same time, stepping forward and retreating, forming an endless death.

The man’s wrist was rubbed by bullets, his eyes were dark, his guns were collected, and he snorted, “Go!”

His voice was low and extremely majestic, and it was chilling. Several people rushed into the car with the beginning of the night, and left with lightning. Before leaving, they knocked down the necklace on the neck at the beginning of the night and threw it into another pickup truck. In the car.

At the beginning of the night, it was protected by an airbag. The forehead was dark and fainted. The man breathed a sigh of relief and breathed a sigh of relief. "Go!"

The dark guards walked over and quickly picked up the night court. At this moment, the departing Hummer suddenly lost a head, a pistol sticking out and aiming at the fuel tank of the sports car.

The bullet penetrated the air, splitting the wind and hitting the tank accurately.

The two dark guards suddenly threw out the night court. Two of them rushed over and squatted on him. The car exploded violently, and the fire rushed to the sky. The heat wave flew the two closest guards, not Provincial personnel.

Pedestrians scream, call, call an ambulance.

After a while, the helicopter hovered, the ambulance roared, the siren passed through the street, and a major accident occurred in the downtown area. The news was quickly released. The night in the city of A, the first time, the news, the face was sinking.

Wei Lin took a nap for the first time, but did not dare to repay the mouth, but the bell ignited quietly reminded the night tomb, Wei Lin was transferred away by the night court, this was aggrieved, the night sneer, I don’t feel embarrassed A consolation more wronged him.

Fortunately, the night court is a big blessing, because he has a high weight, and the transport path has always been not very good. The safety factor of all kinds of vehicles is very high, the sports car does not open the convertible, the airbag falls off in time, except for a sternum fracture. In such a major traffic accident, there is no life-threatening accident. . . .

(End of this chapter)

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