Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 1778: God steals the beginning of the night

Chapter 1778, the beginning of the sacred night

After eating at the beginning of the night, I was bored, and I had a cup of juice to drink. Mu Yuan was envious, and it was good to be like a minor. People were particularly envious. At the beginning of the night, they accidentally said that they had lost their memory. Many things can’t be remembered. Without knowing who the parents are, the police officers have targeted the suspects on Mu Yuan and regarded him as the murderer of the trafficking population.

He hesitated for more than an hour, still no face to call Jack's phone, the group of police officers also entangled enough, directly put them on the bus, to send him to the prison, the night was sent to the welfare home.

Mu Yuan, "????"

He hesitated for three minutes by calling Jack and calling the night mausoleum. He decided to call the night mausoleum. As he expected, the night mausoleum could not help, Mu Yuan exploded. "I was given by the night court." You are not morally arrogant."

"I have already called you to Major Anderson, thank you."

Mu Yuan, "Night Mausoleum, my grandfather!!!"

The night tomb does not change color, "Oh..."

Hanging up the phone, I don’t want to listen to Mu Yuan’s people. On the lines of the monks, the night mausoleum is not as good as Mu Yuan. Recently, he cultivated himself and feels good. He always feels much better than the past. He has to work hard to maintain and does not want to be broken.

Mu was so angry that his face was sulking, and he felt that he couldn’t see anyone. He looked at something in his face. The nightling did not say that Jack would come. He would not be like much, his brother’s The matter was not long before. The last time he was seriously injured in the Golden Triangle, he thought he had nothing to do with him. But the person under Jack’s hand almost blew him up. He is still inexplicable. There is an illusion, as if he was injured and related to him, he can't go deeper, he left.

If so, how could he come to such a remote place.

The police officers tortured his hands and put them on the police car. They brought them together at the beginning of the night. The treatment at the beginning of the night was much better than him. They were not tortured. Two police officers with live ammunition were sitting in the carriage. This is a closed compartment, he can't see the outside, Mu Yuan looked at the time, no more nonsense, it really should be evacuated, otherwise the Bruce people will catch up.

Asked at the beginning of the night, "Where is the welfare institution?"

"The place to eat people." Mu Yuan said.

The police officer interrupted Mu Yuan. "Little girl, don't listen to him nonsense. The welfare home will take care of where you grew up. We will take care of you and wait for you to grow up."

At the beginning of the night, I turned a blind eye. "Who wants you to take care of me, I have grown up, and where is the prison?"

Mu Yuan, "Prison... the place to eat and pack."

At the beginning of the night, I heard, "I want to go too."

Police officers, "..."

The two police officers looked at each other. Whether the little girl is telling the truth or has been mad and stupid. Even if she is underage, she should know where the prison is. When interrogating, it is like a little gluten. How to look at it is a Wonderful, it is always crazy to sell, I always feel that she is more poisonous than this adult man.

Mu Yuanle couldn’t support it. He was about to talk. Suddenly, the body rushed forward. The driver stepped on the brakes and almost flew out at the beginning of the night. He bumped into Mu Yuan’s body and smoothly put the key she had brought into the handcuffs and gave him lightning. Unlocked the lock.

Mu Yuan, "..."

666666! ! !

Not only after the film, but also unlock the master, when will the key come in?

(End of this chapter)

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