Chapter 1779, Anderson

I don't want him to think too much. There was a burst of gunfire outside. Someone in the driver's seat shouted and someone came to jail. The two police officers slammed Mu Yuan's eyes and slammed the gun and hurriedly got off the bus. Mu Yuan quickly untied his handcuffs. According to the information of the night court, Bruce's people would not catch up so quickly, at least three hours, unless they came over by helicopter, the possibility is not too big.

The gunshots continued, and there were some familiar sounds, but it was silent for a while. He pressed his hand at the beginning of the night, his voice was cold, "Don't stay here!"

He jumped out of the car and was immediately pointed at by a gun. Several police officers were lying on the ground and the blood flowed into the river. This is not an interstate highway. It is a slightly remote road. It is not the direction in which they drive to the city. There are several large ranch, but no one. A military jeep forced their car and stopped in the middle of the road.

Mu Yuan looked around and pointed his gun at his man's arm. He was a black dragon tattoo. He was a black man. He was very good at human beings. He had never seen him. The other men also looked rather rough, and the blue dragon tattoos on their arms were all uniform, and they looked like a mercenary team.

"Boss, is a man, no woman."

One of them opened the carriage, and sat quietly at the beginning of the night. He looked at it with a cold look. He still looked down. The black brother took a photo and compared it. "Boss, find someone, how is this man disposed?"

His muzzle is still facing Mu Yuan. Not long ago, a man seems to be dealing with the police officers and replied casually. "Kill it."

At the moment when his voice just fell, Mu Yuan took his hands forward and patted him in his tiger's mouth. He lifted up, the muzzle was facing the sky, and the man was numb, Mu Yuan's hands were twisted with his arms. He took his gun and bent his knees up against his lower abdomen. The man screamed, and Mu Yuan stunned him with his hand and touched another gun and clip on his waist.

The whole movement is like a countless drills, in one go, flowing.

The rest of the mercenary team returned to the police, no longer in charge of the police officers, Mu Yuan shot the gun, ordered the first cockpit to go to the front of the night, they seem to sneak into the front of the night, do not dare to shoot, Mu Yuan Suppressed by fire, quickly got on the car, stepped on the gas pedal, rushed straight ahead, and slammed the jeep that blocked the road.

The car was hit off the road and caught fire. The mercenaries did not catch up and went to see their injured brothers.

"Boss, they escaped."

"Ask me about Bruce, what happened, how come a man." Still a very powerful man.

When Jack arrived, the whole road was sealed and it became a large murder scene. The police officers were completely annihilated. Jack’s face was ugly, and his face was white and frosty. The ice blue eyes were snowy. The fist squeezed the bones and creaked.

The white cloth covered the body, a savage white, "Sir, are they killing people to escape?"

There was no monitoring here, the police car was gone, the police officers were all dead, but the prisoners escaped. Except for the prisoners who smuggled and escaped from prison, there was no second explanation. Jack raised his hand. "Impossible."

Xiaoyuan is not a killer. Even if he is arrested, he will cause international problems. He will be thrown into the face of the family and will be punished. He is also impossible to kill and escape. These people, like him, are loyal to the country. For the public, he can't do it.

(End of this chapter)

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