Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 1819: Who is scared?

Who is scared by Chapter 1819?

"Night two are still taking a closer look at their girlfriends, don't let her scare."

If you don’t like to listen to it, he smiled modestly. "My girlfriend’s hands are not tied to the power of the chickens. People and animals are harmless. If they don’t do anything, they will not be scared by her. I am afraid. You scared her."

His girlfriend is a white lotus, human and animal harmless white rabbit, your reaction is big and scared her tone, full of short protection, Dunn is about to attack, suddenly heard someone excitedly shouted, found someone.

Dunn temporarily threw them away and ran forward. The night court and the night rushed past. It was indeed a man. Jack’s agent found Alice, who had too much blood loss, in a small hill. Suffering from a violent impact, and a broken right leg, the waist was smashed by a wreck of an airplane. Under such a fierce wound, she was forced to resist a coma. After the rescue, her lens was broken, Alice. The glasses were of degree, and they took off their glasses to see things blurry. Until Jack approached, she saw it clearly.

Jack bowed his head and said a word in her ear, Alice nodded, then Dunn came over, and Alice's waist was swayed by the penetrating iron bars, and Dunn's eyes were red, "Alice... ..."

"Dad, I made a mistake and handed me over to Anderson." If Alice was in the air, her eyelids could not hold back. "Otherwise, I will be dead."

The whole mountain was a man, and Alice didn't wait to see her eyes closed at the beginning of the night. Jack sent someone to take her to the ambulance. The local police wanted to get involved. Jack didn't know and Dunn. What did he say, let him solve the local police, fire, hundreds of people in the police, no one can guarantee that there will be mixed with the rest of the people, will not give her a knife when Alice is in the air.

In the hospital.

Alice's injury is particularly heavy, the head impact and fracture are well treated. The only thing that is not easy to deal with is the penetrating wound on the waist and abdomen. The internal organs also cause great damage. It is necessary to operate the knife to remove the iron rod. Fortunately, it is not a very thick iron rod. The operation lasted for ten hours and it was almost dawn until the end.

I refused to go back to sleep at the beginning of the night, but I was in poor health. I was sleeping in the night court. A special agent took out the plane’s wreck report. The wreckage of the plane was collected. Their technical team was very strong. There was nothing wrong with the plane. It should have been that the people on the plane had a dispute, which led to the plane crash.

The plane crashed, only Alice was a survivor. When she woke up, she knew that it was the reason. Dunn also spent the night and learned that Alice was relieved to be relieved.

"Who are you?" Tang En asked, from beginning to end, Jack was dealing with Alice. Doctors, nurses, and agents were all responsible for him.

If Alice is not safe, he still believes in him.

He is even more reluctant to believe that someone will dare to start with Alice on his site.

"I don't matter who I am." Jack refused even his request to see the documents, and did not put him in his eyes. "If I were you, I would care more about who would start your daughter."

Dunn squinted in his heart, his eyes falling on the night court and the night of the night that had not left in the hospital.

Who are they, why should they stay in the hospital for one night?

(End of this chapter)

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