Chapter 1820 His Gift

The night courts took the night to the small castle. The place where they met, the small castle has become a ruin of the ruins. It is very obvious in this generation. The land ownership of this small castle is not the Tang’s family, and even has a relationship with the Tang family. None, the owner has long lost contact and no descendants. The castle was not recorded, which is why the night court did not find anyone. Later, the castle was returned to the country, and it has never been repaired. It was still burned like a haunted house.

The blackened walls have never been cleaned up. The green vines have covered the entire wall and are full of purple flowers. The memories are full of flowers and potted gardens. There are some weeds that grow longer than the night. High, the fountain in the garden has long since dried up, all are fallen leaves, and the grape vines grow wildly but never again.

Every step, the memory of the bones is coming in. This is the place where she lost her memory, the most intense and heavy ink. The night court is going to turn back and consult, let the people of the European night house help, buy it and renovate it. Returning the little castle to her is the most painful place in her memory, and the place she is most familiar with, a place that will always be remembered no matter where she goes.

Said at the beginning of the night, "This is the place where I met you for the first time."

The pear trees in the garden are still there. When the fruit is ripe, I stand under the tree at the beginning of the night, pick a pear, rub it and put it in my mouth. It’s a bit awkward, not so sweet, not for eleven years. The managed pear tree is not particularly delicious, and there is no sweetness in memory. She took a bite and lost it. "It's so hard to eat."

The night court smiled and licked on her head. The pear tree was full of fruit. At the beginning of the night, the most green one was picked. At the beginning of the night, I felt flustered when I was close to the master bedroom. It was very irritating.

The small castle is actually quite large. It is divided into the main castle and the sub-castle. There are 19 rooms, 19 bathrooms and toilets, living room, banquet hall, restaurant, etc. The space is quite big. She lived alone in the empty space. In the castle, I am not familiar with the people nearby. No one knows where she came from. It seems to pop out. When the silk is not coming, the most common thing she does is to sit on the top floor and watch the children in the distance. play.

"Don't go inside again."

"I wanna go."

"No one has lived for more than ten years, it is a bit empty." The night court thought about it, "Xiaoju, Weiling, you go ahead and see."

Wei Lin, "..."

Xiaoju, "..."

No one has lived for more than ten years, it is a little scary, why should they go first?

No human rights!

“Why didn’t the little castle live again?”

This place is not remote. The scenery in the town is good. The taxpayers give more money. They are all rich people. The night court said, "In fact, the owner has changed, and then it is on fire. This fire It's not the fire when you live."

Because of the two fires, I don’t know who said that the first owner was an ominous person, and then it was vacant.


There was nothing to see in a haunted house, and some people lived. Her traces could not be found. But at the beginning of the night, she found a doll in the storage room, a dirty Barbie doll, wearing a beautiful little dress, because of the age. For a long time, no one managed to become dirty, and at the beginning of the night, his eyes lit up and he picked up the little doll.

"My doll..."

She didn't expect her Barbie to remain in the storage room. She took out two pearls from the doll's jacket pocket at the beginning of the night.

(End of this chapter)

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