Chapter 1827 is free

At the beginning of the night, she didn't ask the truth from the mouth of Emma. She really didn't know anything. Betty never told her, but she wouldn't have to count it. Emma is also panicked. She knows her weakness and knows the advantages of the early night. Her sister must know that her position is so precarious. If she is a fake, grandfather and father will not be the master. It is. What is she left? At the beginning of the night, there was a night in the back, and she was not afraid of anything.

Even... Her rhetoric made Tang Enjia recognize her as a daughter and couldn’t hurt her at the beginning of the night. The night court was like a monster standing behind her to protect her.

No one can move her hair.

Jack and the night court squatted upstairs to drink, and saw the movement downstairs. The hotel was full of his people. The night court was not worried about the accident. Jack said something about it: "This girl is very smart."

The night court said, "It is not a smart person to be a fool."

Jack’s grievances against Dunn’s family are very clear. When Alice began to check her sister, she knew that the fake sister was very smart and knew that she had no advantage at all. She actively admits her mistakes, shows weakness, and pushes her crimes to her elders. At most, it is a small age, the crime of being used, the more pitiful, the more sympathetic.

This trick is very effective for a little girl who is soft, but he can see it without hesitation at the beginning of the night. This plan does not work. At the beginning of the night, it is not a soft girl.

The night court said, "I don't plan to let her go home."

If the relationship is exposed, the arson in that year will not be hidden. No one knows who the murderer is. If it is a family member, she will stay in the Tang En family instead of being in danger.

It was also weaned at the beginning of the night and did not require the blessing of the Tang En family.

Emma, ​​"Miss, beg you, let us go, we know it is wrong."

"What about your mother?"

"I don't know." Emma shook her head in confusion. "You believe me, I really warned her, don't move my sister's mind, she also listened. She is a woman who is greedy, she can't move her sister, this thing. Don't have an inside story, it must have nothing to do with her."

"Go." At the beginning of the night, I looked at her indifferently. "There is nothing to do with it. The police will handle the case. You don't need to sum up. She is afraid of sin or escaping. Nothing is wrong. The things of the year can't escape. If you make a mistake, you will have to accept the price." She is, you too, don't worry about it, my forgiveness is not so cheap."

She turned to go, Emma hurriedly stood up, pulling the hand at the beginning of the night, tears, "Miss..."

"I want to forgive me, it is not impossible." Suddenly smiled at the beginning of the night, revealing a small white tooth, two small pears vortex extraordinarily cute, spirit and pneumatic people, "I was alive and burned, it is better than this. I locked you in the secret room and burned you into a monster. How about?"

Emma trembled and scared to let go of the night, as if she had known her for the first time, sneer at the beginning of the night, not a sincere apology and remorse, so don’t come to fake.

People have been worried about injuries for many years. For example, they are in the throat, not because of the injury itself, but because of the people who hurt them. They have no regrets after facing these tragedies, and even sigh on their grief and regrets. Hi, happy!

(End of this chapter)

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