Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 1828: The person you like, not me

Chapter 1828, the person you like, not me.

People have been worried about injuries for many years. For example, they are in the throat, not because of the injury itself, but because of the people who hurt them. They have no regrets after facing these tragedies, and even sigh on their grief and regrets. Hi, happy!

At the beginning of the night, sitting on the open-air balcony, playing the harmonica, the harmonica in memory is beautiful and moving. She is blowing all the year round at sea. It is such a song. Bruce often said that there is some sadness, so that she can play such a tragic autumn and fall spring song. She liked it very much. The night court was leaning against the white door and window and listening to her playing. He rarely blew, but he liked it.

On the open-air balcony, a large lazy rattan chair was placed, and the flowers were covered with vine branches. The little girl under the moon was like an elf in the rain forest, blowing a touching piece of the moonlight.

Her memory is impaired, still not remembering all, some painful memories, she was deliberately forgotten, obscuring the memory as a kind of self-protection. I thought at the beginning of the night, those memories, I don’t remember.

She put down the harmonica, and the night court stood upright. The lens had some small reflections under the moonlight, which made his eyes look like. The eyes at the beginning of the night naturally held two smiles. The beautiful and delicate dimples were looming. The night court strode over and squatted in front of her and kissed her lips.

The flower is too fragrant, the moonlight is too beautiful, and her smile is a drug addiction that affects his nerves.

She was a little dull, her eyes flashed, her subconsciously reached out to push him, but she emptied, and the night court seemed to have expected that she would do so, pushing it one step ahead, and he continued to be on her acceptable edge. Temptation, never crossed the border. At the beginning of the night, I only saw the pair of smiling eyes behind the lens. He smiled too much and looked good. The eyebrows appeared more slender and gentle.

"I will teach you another song?"

She shakes her head at night and doesn't like to learn. She is not a new and old-fashioned person, nor does she have much energy to learn music. "Actually, I don't like musical instruments, but I can play the piano, play the violin, and even play the organ. Drums... I will. When I was a child, I said to my mom, I don’t like to learn these things. It’s too boring. When I was young, I was so active and loved that I couldn’t sit alone. I couldn’t sit still. Learning musical instruments was quite boring. But she Say, ladies and gentlemen must learn, you can not be fine, there are some important places, there must be one or two, or they will be jokes."

"Your mother is deviant, not like someone who can say these words."

"Yes, when she was young, she was deviant, married, and had a misunderstanding. She also learned the lesson. At that time, the foreign family could no longer protect her. With her daughter, she would be more jealous. She didn’t want me and her sister to be like She couldn't fit into her own circle and was ridiculed, so she forced us to be ladies and ladies, don't be as deviant as her."

"Unfortunately, my mother did not expect that her daughter is like her, my sister is also, me too."

At the beginning of the night, she played the harmonica in her hand. At sea, she couldn't touch the instrument. The only thing that came into contact was the harmonica. Those unpleasant memories gradually paid for the water. She was vague and saw the scars on her mother. It flashed past but could not remember.

"If you don't like it, you don't have to learn."

"Night court, you like the 8-year-old Emma, ​​not me." At the beginning of the night, she looked at her eyes. "The lively, cute, educated girl, she is not me."

(End of this chapter)

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