Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 1925: This story tells us not to fall in love with the enemy.

Chapter 1925, this story tells us not to fall in love with the enemy.

Xiaoju is somewhat dissatisfied. "Why is she doing this?"

The night court said, "Who is behind Alice? Have you forgotten how she naturally has her own reasons? Jack wants to do this. There is nothing wrong with it. He definitely does not want to see me in darkness in Guinea. ""

Originally, it was a hostile relationship. It was not difficult to understand how to dismantle one of his projects. It is a bit strange to be so big. The sigh of the night court is really a plastic sentiment. He also sent him a video of Xiaoyuan in the past few days. It seems that people don’t appreciate it.

Obtained, in this case, he decided to develop into an iron brother with Mu Yuan in the future.

Xiaoju complained that she complained, and I know that this is no wonder who can't, because Alice is the sister of the early night, she must take it for granted that Alice must stand on their side.

Wei Lin asked, "Two less, what should I do now?"

"Celebrity Jack must have a backhand waiting for us. It is not appropriate to act rashly. Since he wants me to withdraw from Guinea, then as he wishes, we will withdraw and fight with the gods, but don't miss the fish." The night court is also refreshing. Since Jack Lieutenant Colonel intervened in this matter, even if he barely survived, it must be troublesome in the future, because as long as the company wants to move hands and feet is too easy, Lieutenant Colonel Jack is good at camouflage undercover, who knows where he is undercover inside The personnel gave him another bomb. Since they are all eyeing, this project is meaningless.

"We can prepare for so long, the amount of investment in the early stage is huge, how can we withdraw?" Wei Lin said incredibly that the start of the project is not a matter of mouth, it is quite easy, and it is easy to withdraw.

"It's very simple. If you invest in a pharmaceutical company here, you can study orphan drugs. If you can work together, you can also research drugs against AIDS, and you will make a big profit."

Wei Lin, "..."

Fuck, what you said is really easy.

Xiao Ju immediately conveyed his message to the headquarters, let them arrange, and the night court thought about it, it was a bit uncomfortable. After all, the layout was very good, and it was quite regrettable to say that Huang was yellow.

He pondered for a long time. At the beginning of the night, he wanted to make a bad heart. He couldn’t help but ask, "Two brothers, what happened to you?"

"Nothing, not good."


There is always a life creed in the night court. People make me unhappy. I will not let him go, so he gave a message to Lieutenant Colonel Jack. He first expressed his adoration and admiration for Jack’s business ability. I summed up the mistakes of his negligence and said that he will make persistent efforts. In the future, he will find another person, and the place where Zhong Lingxiu will continue to develop his career. Finally, he asks, who is leaking their news?

Even if Alice's engineers think about a little clue, it shouldn't be so sure. He put a few eyes in the net and distracted them. They shouldn't check it so fast in such a short time. Ellie Silk should be getting news, and then Jack decides and then quickly decides here, there must be other channels.

He won't send a spy around him?

It would be a little scary to think about it.

The news that the night court was scratching his heart and lungs could wait for a long time, and he did not reply. When he gave up, the cell phone rang and Jack replied.

Jack: Xiaoyuan said.

Night court, "..."

(End of this chapter)

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