Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 1926: Wife is super fierce! !

Chapter 1926, my wife is super fierce! !

When Mu Yuan received a phone call from the night court, he was chasing a lineman. The lineman took the money to do things. He didn’t know why he had repented. He took the money and ran. It seemed to be threatened by him. Mu Yuan et al. The man chased him for nearly ten kilometers. Finally, a car hit the wall and hit the wall. The informant was a local, and he had the same beard as many local men, and almost covered the whole face. The eyes are very bright, and I was hit by a car head on the wall. The vitality was extremely tenacious. The calf was scarred with blood stains, but I could get up and run. Mu Yuan used to kick him off, and after a few days, he brought it. After a sigh of relief, he kicked his foot and stepped on his hand. "Give me honestly!"

The informant is honest. I don't know if it is a illusion of Mu Yuan. It feels that he has turned a white eye, but the night is too strong, and he wants to refract the light from his eyes.

"Ah, it’s terrible, you guys, I don’t want to cooperate with you, but I’m still awkward?” The man is very tall. He can have a meter of nine meters. The man here is always tall, his voice is loud, and he’s said a lame English. I don't know where the accent is. Anyway, it is definitely not a local accent. It is similar to Koreans who speak English. Several words are not pronounced in standard. Mu far kicked him with irritability. "Shut up, you have a good review of him. ""

His phone rang, and he was too lazy to take care of the informant. When he took the phone, he heard the night court saying, "Mu Yuan, what do you say to Jack and Chen in the branch office in Guinea?"

"Where did you hear it, can you believe this kind of provocation?" Since the breakup, he did not say a word to Jack. He didn't have time to avoid Jack. Now, for some reason, he didn't want to care about him. The last time he was injured, he still had a stomachache, and he was annoyed when he heard his name.

"Jack said it," said the night court.

The first thought of Mu Yuan is, who is arguing? It must have been a night court. I didn't have to run. I sent a screenshot to him at night. Mu Yuan seemed to swallow a white pork without salt. "He was stolen."

Night court, "..."

Mu Yuan took a few steps away and tried to think about his relationship with Jack. Basically, they would not mention each other's things together, and they also had a tacit understanding. Even if they accidentally heard what news, they would not disclose them. Because of the special status, the relationship is very special, even in the daily life, even if it is inevitable, it will inevitably reveal a little bit of a foot, so even if you don't say, the two are quite tacit understanding, and will not regard the other party as the object of conquering.

He was not sure if he had revealed any traces. He could only say, "I have never heard from the Mausoleum. How can I tell him that I also listened to him when I met with the Mausoleum at the night? One mouth, I broke off contact with Jack for a long time, his brain is broken."

"Don't fight, don't fight, kill the dead again." The informant was beaten up, Mu Yuan turned back and angered, "Weicheng, let him be so quiet!"

"Yes, major!"

Wei Cheng slaps on the shoulders of the online people. "Quiet, our major has a bad temper recently."

The informant snorted. "I have a bad temper. Do you treat the informants like this?"

"Then what are you running, you are not a guilty conscience, are you guilty?"


Friendship reminder, Mu Yuan and Jack part, almost all of them are to solve the crime and talk about the love of hair, the main story!

(End of this chapter)

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