Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 1935: Task completion

Chapter 1935 Task Completion

If the informant is thoughtful, not at night, the technical soldiers also found the information of the e-commerce, there is almost no doubt, life is very regular, and the children are also very good, the monitoring of the family was discovered by the police, and they were confiscated. I can't see how the family is.

At night, four police officers were guarding around, and Wei Cheng and a special agent put down the people, all of them got rid of the drugs, and let one guard them, lest there be communication. Hu Yang was lurking outside. The rest of the people entered the house with Mu Yuan. The owner of the e-commerce was calling. He was shocked by the intrusion. The bodyguard he invited was as if it was a dummy.

The male owner was so scared that he was stunned, as if he was slow to scream for help. He was violently slammed into the sofa by Mu Yuan. "Quiet, we don't want people to understand, I can understand, I will take the gun away. ”

The male owner nodded in fear, Mu Yuan removed the gun, and the technical soldier took the electronic white dog to find the red ice. No one spoke, the atmosphere was very quiet, the male owner asked, "What are you looking for, why are you coming to my house? Are you the group of people who grab the red ice?"

Mu Yuan said, "You should thank us. If it weren't for us, your wife would die in white. Now at least the murderer has found it."

The red ice was hidden. The little white dog looked for a circle and stopped in front of a safe. He yelled at the safe. Mu Yuan took the male master and said, "Open it."

The man’s face was white and he shook his head madly.

The technical soldier said, "We checked this place yesterday, there is no movement, there is no trace of red ice, this is the study of the male master, the safe should be you alone, and your wife has nothing to do, open!"

The male owner said that he would not open it. Mu Yuan had no patience and directly took the gun. The male master squatted down and asked for mercy. In their fierce eyes, he opened the safe and saw a pack of red ice.

Chen Dong said, "It really is you."

He knelt down, quickly opened the red ice, then looked inside and found a large nail chip. Chen Donglai raised his head in excitement. "The major, found it."

Mu Yuan nodded and let him collect the chips. The male owner was frustrated. Wei Cheng asked, "Why are you stealing a red ice?"

The male owner did not answer. Chen Donglai pulled up his sleeve and saw two syringes on his arm. This is a deeply addicted patient. Although the male owner’s face looks ruddy, there are still some flaws in his look. Mu Yuan asked, “ Have you ever been to Red Ice?"

"No, no, I haven't had time to move, you are here." The male owner explained, "I didn't have any heart for this red ice. It is... my addiction is getting bigger, and I have recently managed Strictly, several channels have been hit, and I have no choice but to use this pack of drugs to help."

"Your wife has so many things, you don't ask?" Chen Donglai is incredible.

Wei Cheng said, "Forget it, forget it, things get it, we will go right away, this place should not stay for a long time, this person and his wife's grudges, they have no right to pay attention."

The group went out silently and joined Hu Yang and left quickly.

Back to the residence, the informant was screaming and sleeping, and there was no image. Mu Yuan and others turned a blind eye to him. Mu Yuan and the technical soldiers locked themselves in the room and tried to unlock the chip.

The wafer data requires special instruments to unlock. The tools here are simple and cannot be unlocked. He needs to go to the night court.

(End of this chapter)

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