Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 1936: The informant shouted indecently

Chapter 1936, the informant shouted indecent

The wafer data requires special instruments to unlock. The tools here are simple and cannot be unlocked. He needs to go to the night court.

Wei Cheng said, "The major, the weather is very late, you are tired for a few days, not bad for these few hours, go to rest first, the brothers are tired of running around the day."

Mu Yuan glanced at the brothers. Wei Cheng said the facts. These days they have been running around, and the bullets are all sorts of tracks. Everyone is very tired. "Well, rest in place, Hu Yang and Jiang Cheng go out and buy something back." dinner."


After Hu Yang and Jiang Cheng went out, the yard was quiet. This is a safe house. There is a small yard. The surrounding area is very quiet. The informants have eaten and the saliva has remained.

"Let's go." Mu Yuan gave him a fee and gave him two hundred dollars. The informant took two green banknotes and rounded his eyes. "Only two hundred?"

"Only two hundred!"

"You really slammed the door."

"I haven't found your account yet, advise you to shut up."

The informant naturally does not shut up, and does not want to go so slyly. Although Mu Yuan is the dress of the Guineans, how can the eyes be disguised, they are bright and godly.

"Are you going to eat a meal and go?" The informant looked at him with a good look. In an instant, the dog's legs were up. His body was also dirty. After two or three days, they couldn't take a good shower and couldn't sleep well. It was also aggrieved. Mu Yuanyi thought it was not hurt, and agreed that he had eaten dinner and then went. "I ate dinner and rolled."

"Well, I ate dinner and rolled it right away." The informant smiled and said, looking at his eyes sparkling, Mu Yuan was seen a goose bump, resisting the urge to kick him, went upstairs to take a bath.

After picking up the disguise, he showed his white and handsome face. The hot water rushed over the tiredness of these days. People were more spirited. Mu Yuantu swallowed a hot bath and put on a body. In the combat uniforms, after he cut a board, he had no hair. He took a look at his head and chilled it. He almost did it.

After tidying up, the rest of the people also took a shower, and the sour taste of the body was gone. Everyone was very spirited. The informants stood outside and were not allowed to go inside and took a shower. They just took a shower outside. He refused to go to the shower, but Chen Donglai disliked him with a sweaty taste and forced him to take a shower. There was only a simple piece of iron in the shower room outside. When Mu Yuan came out, he heard the people sing in the shower. The iron sheet circled the bath room, not all of them were circled. You can see the informant. The pair of sturdy calves, sparse legs and smooth lines.

Mu Yuan removed his eyes and connected the phone in the night court. He made an appointment to bring the chip to him. When he turned his head, he saw the lineman licking his hair and screaming at him.

Mu Yuan stunned and slowly slowed down to look at the back of the informant. The iron showed his three inches down and half of his calf, revealing the wide shoulders and firm calves of the informant. He suddenly remembered a very distant scene. In that special training, in a dense forest, when two people exhausted through a pool of water, Jack went into the water and took a shower. The scene was unexpectedly and in front of this scene. Give it a coincidence.

Mu Yuan’s head was cold and he strode forward. He lifted his foot and opened the delicate iron sheet. The iron sheet couldn’t resist the major, and it was split directly. The people inside were facing him face-to-face.

After three seconds...

The informant shouted, "Ah, ah, indecent!"

(End of this chapter)

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