Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 2006: Recalling the help of killing

Chapter 2006 recalls the help of killing

When Mu Yuan woke up, it was a day, and the back was burning like the pain. The internal organs were like being shattered and re-patched. The anesthetic used to hurt, and his cold sweat had to come down.

He is not dead, Jack should be fine.

Just woke up, thinking is a bit chaotic, Mu Yuan mouth is so terrible, wants to drink water, but found that there is no one in the ward, the hospital conditions are relatively simple, he still wears an oxygen mask, looks like a life-like look, Mu Yuangang Picking up the oxygen mask, Jack pushed in the door and took a glass of slightly hot water, and looked at Mu Yuan coldly.

Mu Yuan thought, the beauty is really cold and cold, saved his life, a smile is not given.

Jack walked over and handed the cup to him. Mu Yuan’s hand was a little soft, so it didn’t work hard. The cup of water with a slight heat couldn’t stand it. Mu Yuan’s ear was a little embarrassed to call him for help, but it was Too thirsty, I felt a little funny. I didn’t know how long Jack had watched the cup and sent it to his lips.

Mu Yuan did not say a thank you, some eager to drink water, cool!

Jack's eyebrows condensed slightly, and the whole person did not know what he was thinking. Mu Yuan drank the water, and Jack put the cup aside. "The dirty bombs have been handled before Mrs. Mandela's blast, and Mandela's husband and wife also Was escorted back to the country, you... done very well."

He became the only wounded person in this operation.

Speaking, it’s a bit embarras

The atmosphere is silent.

The two have not communicated very much. When he was an instructor six months ago, there seemed to be some remaining problems. Jack instructors always targeted him, and the training difficulty for him was also upgraded. There were still some problems between the two.

Jack thought that when he left, he saw Mu’s expression, apparently a look of farewell to him, as if he had stayed for one more day, and he was tortured by Mu Yuan. He also knew that his request for Mu Yuan was too harsh and let him Seeing his own shortcomings faster, I didn't expect to go out with the task in a few months, Mu Yuan would die to save him.

The explosion of the bomb was very fierce. No one knew how big the explosive device was on the car. It was so close to the surface that it was blown up, and it might lose its life. The lucky explosive made by Mrs. Mandela was not so powerful, so he It’s just an injury. The wound looks very horrible, and the internal injuries are actually not serious.


When Jack didn't talk, Mu Yuan was stunned. He didn't know what to say for a while. He said a word that made him almost bite his tongue. "That...instructor, there is a saying in our country that the help of life is to be phase……"

Nonsence! ! !

what are you saying?

He accidentally bit his tongue and swallowed his last words. Fortunately, this sentence is spoken in English, not so... Hey, because he has few words behind him, there is no continuity. It sounds like an anticlimax.

But if it is the night mausoleum, the night court is so proficient in Chinese, people who know the customs know what he wants to say.

Are you crazy?

Is to help people block a blast, you still crazy about it?

"Well?" Jack Chinese is not proficient, and the usual communication is difficult. He doesn't know what he said, raising his eyebrows slightly. "What is the saying in your country? The help of life... Then?"

Then, Jack looked at the face of the child in front of him and turned red from a dead white, as if someone had rubbed a layer of rouge on his face, the red dragonfly was very cute, and the two ears were almost red and bloody.

(End of this chapter)

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