Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 2007: Memories of killing are all instigators

Chapter 2007 recalls that killing is caused by the instructor

Then, Jack looked at the face of the child in front of him and turned red from a dead white, as if someone had rubbed a layer of rouge on his face, the red dragonfly was very cute, and the two ears were almost red and bloody.

He shook his head madly, and he said something wrong.

Jack thought, am I going to learn Chinese?

The atmosphere is once again embarrassing.

It is a lot of mistakes to say that Mu Yuan has hidden his own thoughts.

He must be crazy.

Jack said faintly, "There is another assessment. You are in the hospital for three days, start with me, can you do it?"

Mu Yuan nodded, "Get it!"

Jack nodded. When he walked to the front of the ward, he paused and asked Mu Yuan. "Mu Yuanzhong, do you hate me?"

"No... no annoyance." Mu Yuan snorted.


He leaned slightly to the side, "Why should you rush to stop in front of me?"

This is the time when Mu Yuan was in a coma, he always couldn't figure out anything, the foreign military officer, an assessment, he can get an excellent score anyway, no need to protect a chief, a leader who does not belong to his own country.

If he went to participate in the training assessments organized by the United Nations, he would definitely sit back and ignore himself and do his own thing.

Mu Yuan, "Is this not taken for granted?"

Jack, "..."

Where do you come from?

Mu Yuan bite the tip of the tongue before he swallowed the man behind him to protect his beloved.



He looked up and saw Jack. If he saw a terrorist, he made a very difficult movement for him at the moment. A squid rolled and fell on the bed, and he touched the wound on his back. Jack only heard a scream.

He looked at it and felt pain.

"Forget it, I will call you a doctor."


Mu Yuanzhen was in the hospital bed, let the doctor once again wipe him off the blood, take medicine, and several people served, he kneel on the pillow, a pair of hate to die.

When Jack left the South American base, he was relieved and had some vague loss.

At the beginning of the 16-year-old Mu Yuanqing, he did not understand what Acacia was. At the time of training, he was tortured day and night, and he could not wait to throw Jack on the ground.

At the same time, he also realized the danger.

Jack is his source of danger.

After a while, he will do some unspeakable dreams.

The hero of this dream has always been Jack. One day, the people in their bedroom and the special forces next door have a film. The soldiers in the army have not seen a woman for hundreds of years. The man in the South American base is naturally To see the film to solve the problem, several big men look at the film together, naturally it is necessary to say a few words, Mu Yuan is no exception.

Looking at it, he didn't feel right.

A teenager who is bloody, it is natural to see this film.

Eugene also made fun of him, but Mu is far from being stiff, only he knows that he is looking to put the actor into Jack, and then... look hard.

That night, he made another dream about unspeakable.

This time in the dream... even the details.

He scared a cold sweat, vaguely felt something changed, and then he prayed that the instructor was only an instructor, hurry, don't hook him.

This is simply terrible!

(End of this chapter)

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