Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 2022: Memories of vivid killing

Chapter 2022, a vivid course of memories

After Mu Yuan was stunned by Xie Jing, his mood was not bad. Xie Jing’s sexuality was born. This is something that the night tombs and other people have known for a long time. Mu Yuan also played for Xie Jingzhen. He is the side branch of Xie’s family. Although the incident did not constitute a scandal, it made him lose the qualification for competition. For several people in the night, this matter is not a secret, and Xie Jingzhen never hides.

Xie Jing’s deep breath, after a moment, he said faintly, “I still have some information to prepare, I will go to class tomorrow, I will not listen to you nonsense.”

"How is this nonsense, this is my life's big thing."

"This life, except life and death, nothing big." Xie Jingzhen thought, time is so precious, listening to you for more than an hour of nonsense, very worthy of the plastic brotherhood between them, can not listen to more than a minute, it is simply to abuse dog's.

When you meet someone you like very much, it is quite worth showing off, at least he hasn't seen it yet.

Mu Yuan was in a good mood. When he turned around, he saw a slender figure standing behind the slope. He was sitting on the other side of the slope. He did not notice when Jack stood there, as if he had been raped in bed. It is stiff.


Jack nodded and looked at him with a sullen look. The phone played for a long time. Jack looked a little burning in the sun. Mu Yuan explained subconsciously, "I call my friend."

There is no mention of the South American base, and people are also outsiders.

When he faced Jack, he always thought of the night in Guinea. The burning heat seemed to burn people. "Instructor, that..."

He wanted to say a sorry, but Jack never mentioned it, he felt that he said it, and some did not say it... Hey.

Everyone is not the same thing, what is he always talking about?

Jack stood up and said coldly, "It seems that you have not learned the lesson."

Mu Yuan, "..."

What did he do wrong?

Twenty laps also ran, my stomach was empty, and I didn’t drink any water. What do you want? Jack looked at him faintly, "Go over!"

"Yes!" I can't afford it.

The instructor's mood is not indifferent. He really doesn't know where he offended him. He was so worried that he was offended when he was in Guinea, so he was angry? Oh, it must be like this, otherwise the instructor will not be so public and private to give him a look.

Mu Yuan had wanted to roll, but he felt that he was not too reconciled. He stopped and stopped. "Instructor, Guinea, I am sorry! I am not intentional. I am controlled. I am involuntarily, not intentional. Offend you, please forgive me!"

When the sun is shining, it should have been a hot air, and it was cold in an instant. He was like a hail, like the cold current of Siberia.

what happened?

Why did he apologize, and the instructor was still so angry?

Is his lack of sincerity?

Mu Yuan thought for a moment, apologized, and gave the greatest sincerity. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to offend you."

Honor is used, should you be satisfied?

Can be instructed, seems to be getting angry.

Ah, man's heart, the sea needle.


Every molecule in the air is awkward.

"Roll!" Jack said, the face line collapsed tightly, Mu far did not dare to delay, ran away.

In the following training, Mu Yuan profoundly learned what is the most poisonous man's heart, and Jack vividly gave him a lesson.

(End of this chapter)

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