Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 2023: Memories of Killing and Killing 2

Chapter 2023 Recalling the vivid course 2

In the South American base, anyone can be provoked, and it is impossible to provoke their own instructors.

Mu Yuan’s training subjects, like the group, can always be embarrassed by the instructor. Jack seems to be deliberately targeting him. This time is not his illusion, it is blatantly targeted. Since he discovered that Mu Yuan had a little bit of fear, he took Mu Yuan to go to the cliff horizontal bar every day. If he walked back, he would have to go back three times. He must let Mu Yuan fall down.

Mu far gas itch, what can I do? This is the person he likes. He dares not to resist, and he dares not to provoke it. He can only endure it.

This day, I endured it and I went to the trial.

And it is a beautiful color trial. In the simulated scene, everyone will face different challenges, and then they must conceal the information they know. Before entering the scene, everyone accepts hypnotism and hypnotism. Afterwards, the students will be implanted with a memory, a memory of their mission, this time being implanted with a group of Mu Yuan group out of the task, the entire group was arrested, these memories are all implanted, can be with people's memory All fusion is true.

The entire group is lying under the instrument, but their spiritual world is active, jumping out of the big screen like a movie-like scene.

Mu Yuan was tied back, his body was bloody, and Belem was lying like a corpse. Cruz was hanged and blood dropped down. Soro and Eugene are not in the scene, everyone is terrible, as if they will die at any time.

Jack and several instructors are responsible for their records and comments.

Suddenly, Mu Yuan woke up, he was all hurt, and there was a shot in his chest. The blood continued to flow out, and Mu Yuan screamed at the wound.

what happened?

"Cruze, Belem..."

He climbed to Belem, Belen's breathing was very weak, and he was shot in the chest. Mu Yuan took a minute to skillfully untie his rope, "Belem..."

Belen did not respond, Mu Yuan was stunned and scarlet. He did not know that this was an illusory scene. For him, this is the real scene, and they were arrested for actual combat drills.

He climbed up and ran to Cruz. Just halfway through, the warehouse was kicked open. A row of bullets hit Mu Yuan’s feet. He fell backwards and fell to the ground, a man. The woman came in.

The man is slender and tall, the woman is exposed, the body is enchanting, and the face is exquisite and beautiful. Both of them hold the gun and point to Mu Yuan.

"Not allowed to move!" The woman sighed. "You are very big."

She came over and stepped on Mu Yuan’s hand. Mu Yuan was sore and painless, but she didn’t shout out. This is the enemy. It’s also the goal of this mission. Mu Yuan’s death is dead, it’s okay. Eugene and Soro are still lurking, and the lurking route is clear to them. They will definitely find opportunities and turn defeat into victory.

"Say, there are two more people, where are they?"

The woman's voice was very cold, and Mu Yuan bit his lip, and the woman stepped off Mu Yuan's two fingers.

Ten fingers and one heart, several instructors are indifferent, they use the special way to train the trainees every year, and they are used to it.

Jack took the teacup and quietly drank tea.

Mu Yuan had a cold sweat, blood and sweat intertwined, drenched the training suit, and the woman sneered. "You think you don't talk, can I take you for nothing?"

(End of this chapter)

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