Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 2052: Recalling the scene of a large domestic violence

Chapter 2052 Recalling the Killing of a Large Domestic Violence Scene

He Chunwang rushed up and hugged Mu Yuan. "A Yuan, I am sorry for you, you can rest assured that I will love you all my life and protect you."

Mu Yuan, "..."

The young master’s arms are sticky and the voice is sticky. “A far, I am sorry for you, it’s my fault. You can rest assured, I will take good care of you.”

While crying, don't mention the deep feelings like the sea.

Mu Yuan thought, the instructor had a lot of time, he was very busy. He should have no time to come here. The house should be a second team. He raised his hand and gently patted He Chunwang’s shoulder. "Okay, Grand Master, don't Cried, go back to rest, I am only infected with drugs and will not die, you can rest assured."

He also expects He Chunwang to go to He Jing to quarrel.

He Chunwang wiped his tears, oh, awkwardly, the nose was red, and he looked at Mu Yuan step by step, and gradually went away. Mu Yuan looked at his figure, unlike his own room, he pushed the door in. When the lights were turned on, the curtains were drawn to death. In order to avoid the shadows, he added two more curtains to completely block the curtains.

A figure sits on the sofa, his eyebrows are pressed, his hands are on his knees, his fists are clenched, and his body is as tight as a stone sculpture. Mu Yuanyi is guilty of thinking about what he is doing, and he does not expect Jack to come in person. They didn't take long to separate and they met again. It must be because of the things tonight. He acted without permission.

It’s over.

If it was in ancient times, he would be served by the military law.

"Instructor." Although I have just confessed, and I have passed away, but at this time, Mu Yuan can't dare to smile, or he will not know how to die, it will be too bad.

Jack’s eyes narrowed, and the look looked at him more and more indifferently, pointing to the sofa next to him, his voice sinking like water, “Sit.”

Mu Yuan came over. Who knows that he hasn't sat down yet? Jack jumped up and slammed him on the sofa with his hand on his neck. He jumped on his forehead like he was about to pinch him. The neck is like, Mu Yuan is so angry that his eyes are out of sight, and a pair of suffocating looks.

Jack had a pickpocket, his long legs straddle his waist, holding his neck in one hand and holding his chest in his hand. His eyes were like fire. "Who allowed you to make your own claim? Who allowed it!"

His voice pressed hard, but he heard a little trembling.

Mu Yuan took his wrist with both hands, and the fear of suffocation spread. Jack suddenly let him go. The fresh air came in. Mu Yuan breathed a big mouth and looked at Jack with amazement. He crossed his leg. His waist is on his belly.

This is the first time I saw Jack's gaffe.

Mu far was surprised that he couldn't wait for it. Jack got up and couldn't bear it. He knew that he couldn't make a little movement to attract people's doubts. He really didn't feel that he couldn't fight. He punched heavily on Mu Yuan's abdomen and instantly beat Mu Yuan. Waist, almost coughed out a blood, this late punch, sandwiched his full anger.

"This is a lesson for you!"

Mu far painfully leaned against the sofa, and his face changed. He thought that if he was a woman, this punch had to be infertile by Jack. This is too embarrassing.

He did not dare to cry.

Mu Yuanqing was clear and clear, and it was clear that Jack could not interrupt his legs at this time.

He does... owe it!

(End of this chapter)

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