Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 2053: Recalling the killing of the little instructor

Chapter 2053 Recalling the Killing Little Instructor

After Jack played Mu Yuan, he was anxious and took his hand back and forth several times. Like a raging family leader, his own bear child was mischievous and could endure in a fixed range. No, no, no.

Mu Yuan yelled at the lower abdomen and dared not call for pain. I thought that I wanted to see Jack's face ugly. I couldn't help but sell it. "Instructor, people just injected an unknown object, you don't hurt people."

Wronged, poor jpg.

"Shut up!" Jack yelled. "I'm already holding back on you, don't rush to find you!"

Mu Yuan is sitting in a jigsaw jpg.

I dare not speak.

Jack's anger was pressed for a long time, and finally he was scattered. Mu far looked at the kitchen. He was a little thirsty. He wanted to drink his mouth. He just wanted to stand up. Jack looked down and "sit down!"

Mu Yuan licked his lips and sat down happily.

This is simply that he is too much. If it is the soldier under his hand, he is not as simple as a punch, and you don’t know what you are doing. Whoever allows you to make a self-proclaimed attempt to test your poison is simply lawless.

For a moment of silence, Jack pressed his temper and sat down opposite him. Mu Yuan looked at him with guilty conscience. "I just want to gamble. You must not think of a perfect way. I don't want my brothers to take risks. On the Sixth National Congress, we have no chance of winning, instructor, I know that I am willful, I am wrong, I chose the best choice I think now, and my life is not important to the team."

"Who said that?" Jack cut his words. Who said he was not important?

Mu Yuan looked at him, his eyes were clean and innocent, and he was a little bit eager to try. This is a daring guy. He gave a three-point color to open the Dyeing House. He explained, "Everyone is important, they must Go back peacefully."

Although Mu Yuan is a little disappointed, it is not good to show it.

"I have nothing to do, I will try my best to not be deeply addicted to drugs, the instructor, I have confidence, I can quit."

"You don't even know what it is." Jack told Mu Yuan a story. He once had a top special soldier. His wife was also infected with drugs. The drug addiction was extremely painful and sent to the drug rehabilitation center. After coming out of the month, he relapsed. Later, he had no choice but to try it himself. He firmly believed that he could also quit. To lead by example, he had to take a wife to give up. But in the end, both of them were infected, and they could not withdraw. The terrible thing about this thing is not the pain in the episode of drug addiction. It is slowly eroding a person's consciousness and mental power. This is the most terrible. After one year, people are abolished.

How many people with strong willpower have once set an example and feel that they can abstain from it. How many people are really abstaining?

"Is there a special drug rehabilitation center?" Mu Yuan smiled. "I am alone, manpower can't be withdrawn. There is always a place where you can help him. It is better than a dead person."

"Mu Yuan, you..."

"Moreover, the instructor will help me." Mu looked up at him, and he trusted his face with all his heart. His eyes were as clean as a newborn baby, and Jack's anger was inexplicably ruined.

"Hey, after three months, you will go back to China. Who will help you?"

"If the instructor does not help me, he will lose such a good pursuer. What a pity." Mu Yuan smiled and said, a stinky face stretched out his legs. Jack sat opposite him. He opened the shoes. There are a few white toes that are white and thin, and they are daring to climb to the toes of Jack. The whitest place on Mu Yuan and Jack is probably the scorpion. They are wearing training suits and boots all the year round. There is no chance for the scorpion. Seeing the sun, white and tender.

Jack was about to marry him and saw a few toes crouching up on his instep. Mu Yuan smiled like a goblin. "Instructor, are you saying that?"

"Mixed things!" He kicked Mu Yuan's foot and kicked his foot back. Jack's face was a little better. "This is the first shot of ice. The poison is not so fast, you must To be patient."

Mu Yuan was absent-minded and not afraid of him. He was not afraid of him. He stretched his legs and stretched his legs. He stretched his voice. "Instructor... I can bear it for the ice, but I just confessed, you also acquiesced. In the case, you are late to visit, I am really a bit unbearable."

Jack, "..."

This is a gibbery.

He is half angry, he dares to marry?

"Your feet are coming over again, I am stunned!" He looked at his feet coldly, and Mu was far away, and almost slammed his foot to his crotch. It was very simple. "Oh, then you are!"


Today's update is over! ! !

Although these two days are all five, but the number of words is almost 6k! !

(End of this chapter)

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