Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 2148: Recalling the gift of killing

Chapter 2148 recalls the gift of killing

He settled in the midst of it, and he was about to get rid of the control of blue ice.

As long as he is not in contact with the blue ice, he will not have anything.

If you are in contact, relapse after withdrawal, I am afraid that I will not be able to get rid of this life.

Jack calmed Mu Yuan's sleep.

There was a news in Myanmar and Lehman was gone.

When the agent responsible for his contact returned the news, it was late at night, Christmas had not passed, and the street was full of lively atmosphere. Lehman had not heard back for three hours.

According to the agreed time, Lehman should contact the agent three hours ago, but the time passed, and Lehman had no news at all. They waited for three hours and noticed that something was wrong and immediately reported it to Jack.

"Is there anything in his last message?"

"There is no abnormality in the news." The agent asked, "The major, do you need to send another person in the past?"

"I will go in person!"

This matter is a private matter, not a matter within their business scope. If something goes wrong, Jack must handle it personally. Lehman is best to be safe. If something happens, it will be a big deal.

Jack is not the first time to encounter such a difficult thing, but he now has concerns, Mu Yuan's physical state is unstable, there must be someone to look at him and help him to detoxify.

Must be a person who is trusted by Mu.

Lehman’s affairs were unavoidable. He was distressed and informed the helicopter that he was awakening Mu Yuan. He simply said the situation. “Who do you believe, I will inform him to come and accompany you to detoxification.”

"I am going to Myanmar with you." Mu Yuan said that most of the time, his poison hair can be controlled by himself. Under the circumstances that he can control, it is no problem to find someone to look at him, but he also cares about himself. He Chunwang's business, not to mention Jack is for him, will arrange people to save He Chunwang, "I am very uncomfortable with poison today. There is a period of time in the middle of the road, but I can't control it. But I can control it later, I can control it gradually, I... ...just sprinkle a little, so that you are more distressed, but it is not that serious."

Jack can't tell him the truth or the lie, Mu Yuan said, "I won't cause you trouble. You look at me with your own eyes, and you can rest assured. If someone comes to see you, can you rest assured?"

The state of his poisonous hair, except for the heart of the stone, such as Jack, who can stand up to his pleading, if it is a difference, give him relief, all efforts will be wasted.

Jack also understands this truth, and because of this, he feels tricky.

"You followed to go to Myanmar. I am not afraid of any trouble. I am afraid that if you come into contact with Blue Ice again, then you will lose money." Jack said, "The land is dangerous. You are not voluntarily infected. If you come again. I'm afraid I can't stop it."

"I will be careful. If someone is willing to deal with me, you will let me alone in the town. If you take my poison, they count me, are you relieved? You are not at ease, except under your eyes, that Take me with me."

Jack was finally convinced.

He has considered a lot of situations. If the person who really has the heart counts, Mu Yuan is in the town. Without his care, if he is accidentally beaten again, he will regret it. It is better to bring him.

When the plane was on, the two simply packed up their luggage and boarded the plane.

Along the way, Jack talked with him about the situation of the Sixth Society, and suggested that Mu Yuan let the Chinese armed police and special forces intervene, and no more sent poison police to die.

(End of this chapter)

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