Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 2149: Memories of killing are back

Chapter 2149, Memories of Killing Come Back

"I didn't intend to intervene in other countries' affairs. But King's background is too complicated. It is not a smuggling policeman. He is surrounded by well-trained special forces. The mercenaries trained on the agents' islands and the special forces of our ace team don't want to go up and down. Even individual combat will be more abundant than us, because they actually have more combat than us. Our ace special forces are almost at the age of eight and start training. Some people start to be soldiers at the age of fifteen or six, but they start training at the age of three, and not only Just training into a sharp knife, they cultivate a mercenary is a full-face training, including their physical chemistry, mathematical information, electronic engineering, language, etc., are very cutting-edge training, from the age of eleven into practical combat Most of our military training is daily training. Even if it is harsh, there is death control rate. But they will not be in actual combat. Everyone is standing on the skeleton and living. It is mysterious and terrible than we think. So it is vicious. The police are absolutely uncertain, and even their individual combat capability can withstand a small team."

Jack, while popularizing King's power, put the information to Mu Yuan.

"So, I suggest you, don't let the poison police come to death, let the professional people do this, or let it go!" Jack said that the best way to avoid death is to control the domestic trading port and crack down on the domestic The blue ice market, clearing the market demand, will not be positive and King is right, and secondly, it can avoid casualties. Domestic combat is always more controlled than international operations.

As far as Jack is concerned, he also likes domestic combat. He can mobilize the people he can use. International warfare will involve many problems. One can't make it clear that it will cause international disputes.

Mu Yuan looked seriously at the information. King’s information was heard by Jack at that time. He just didn’t expect it to be so serious. If the information is true, the poison police will come to die, and a pair of dead will definitely be fearless. The sacrifice.

"I understand." There is a network on the plane. He first passed the information to Mu Jianxin. Others are outside. There are only a handful of people who can trust in China. The first thought is General Mu.

Mu Yuan’s face was heavy and heavy. “This Agent Island is so powerful. If you build your own army in the future, you will be in trouble.”

"This family is the first priority to control the Middle East military, and the power disputes within the island are heating up. I only pray that the normal state will be maintained. No one will be rebellious and open a new system. Under this system, the interests are not evenly distributed and the hearts and minds are different. It is impossible for them to break the gold together. The final result is to fall apart. As long as there is no one to unify the situation, the current situation has no effect on the international situation."

"What if?" Mu Yuan was very worried. If someone unified the forces on the island and worked together to work together in one place?

"That's not that manpower can stop it. I can't find where the place is. I don't know how many people there are. I even rumor that they have weapons of mass destruction. If they can't find it, don't provoke them, as long as they are not extreme terrorists. Will not regard human life as a mustard."

At this time, Mu Yuan never thought that in the future, he would push the boat, but he wanted to eradicate all evil forces.

The plane quickly landed in the town.

(End of this chapter)

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