Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 2166: Recalling the killing of twenty-four filial brother 2

Chapter 2166 Recalling the Twenty-four Filial Brother 2

When Mu Shenyi went home, he went to several elders to discuss what he was annoyed, thinking that Mu Yuan had done something again. "Is Xiaoyuan angry again?"

"Not a small far, is..." Mu Shen's mother glanced at the little girl, a bit difficult to talk about.

Mu Shen seconds understand.

Mu Liang, he is cheap, his cheap aunt, talking about this cheap aunt, is also very interesting, the two are married, Mu Wenxin also like her husband. But not long after they got married, Mu’s family went wrong and retired directly from the front line. At that time, Mu Jianxin, Mu Jianshou was still small, and the older generation had something to do. They could only avoid their sharpness and keep their eyes.

Liu Jia thinks that Mu’s family is useless. He can’t help in the business field. He’s cold on Mu Wen’s heart. After Mu Wen’s heart gave birth to Liu Zheng and Mu Liang’s brothers, they found that their husband had two outside. The illegitimate child, the age of the illegitimate child is larger than that of Mu Liang. Ms. Mu Jiasan was raised in the palm of her hand when she was young. When she received this kind of humiliation, she got divorced when she was angry.

In order to get divorced, a lot of things have been done. Mu Liang’s father-son relationship is also very tense. Originally, Liu Zheng was like Mu Wen’s heart, but Mu Wen’s heart would not do it.

Why Liu Zheng is a grandson of a nephew, the things that should be handed over, plus Liu Zheng has been calm and smart, and there is a general style, Liu is not willing to let people, so after the divorce, the child is one person, his cheap uncle As soon as she quickly greeted her true love, Mu Wenxin almost committed suicide, so the relationship between Liu Jia and Mu Jia was completely broken.

Ten years have passed.

The Mu family stood firm and the real power was in the grip. The Liu family began to climb up again. Every year, the reason for Mu Liang was run to the Mu family. The Mu family is a family member. It is indeed because of Mu Liang and Liu Zheng’s reason that it is not easy to tear. Face, after all, Liu Zheng is still there. And won the Liu family's old-fashioned like, but the attitude is also very indifferent, and no answer to the Liu family.

Mu Shen’s mother’s family and Liu’s family are peers. Regardless of investment or market, they are now ahead of Liu’s family. Because of Mu’s well-informed reason, it’s naturally convenient, and Liu’s family is more and more attached.

Who knows that this time he met the temperament of Mu Yuan, he also led two illegitimate children to the door, and Mu Yuan’s head slammed his face and swept the floor. Mu mother felt very embarrassed and very annoyed, and her little cuteness became so Barbaric.

"Have a good fight!" Mu Liang patted the small palm. If he was not in front of the Mu family, he would show jokes to others. After all, he was still awkward in his blood relationship. He wanted to get started.

Special shame!

Mu Shen did not comment on this matter. In the most difficult time of the Mu family, Liu’s family fell into the grave, and they no longer have any in-law relationship. If Liu Zheng is still in the Liu family, Mu Jia and Liu Jia will not There is an intersection.

"I will take a look at Xiaoyuan."

Mu Yuan’s curtains in the room were so dead, and there was no light. Mu Shen opened the door and almost thought it was night. Mu Yuan sat in the corner with his mobile phone. It was extremely decadent, and the beard had a few days without scraping. It has grown black and black.

"When you want to call, you can see that a person is coming with it?" Mu Shen closed the door, Mu Yuan returned and took the phone to the ground. "I didn't want to call."

Mu Shen went over, and Mu Yuan sat in the corner without any image. It looked a little pitiful.

He shook his head gently. "Let's talk?"

(End of this chapter)

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