Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 2167: Recalling the killing of twenty-four filial brother 3

Chapter 2167 Recalling the Twenty-four Filial Brothers 3

Mu Yuan didn't want to talk about it at all. He shook his head and held himself in a group. Mu Yuan was not an escape. He calmed down for so many days and actually made a decision.

Just, there is no courage to tell Jack.

He wants to tell Jack, what I said in the past, you forgot, we are here.

I am sorry if I accidentally hurt you.

He can't even say that he breaks up two words because he is not sure from start to finish. He and Jack are not in love, they have not formally determined the relationship.

He nervously rubbed the rope chain on his wrist and touched a cold silver medal. It was the virtual military number of the instructor. Mu Shen sat cross-legged on his opposite side. "Don’t put the mistakes made by others on your shoulders. You are detoxification, the second uncle did not elaborate with you, the Myanmar investigation report came out, this is a trap, directed at us, whether you have revealed the U disk, that disaster is avoided No."

Mu Yuan suddenly looked up, somehow, relieved: "Is it a trap?"

"Yes, it is a trap in itself, it has nothing to do with you."

Mu Yuan’s heart has been hanging, and it’s in the stomach. It’s not related to Jack. It’s great!

At least, he did not love the wrong person.

Mu Shen’s eyes fell on his wrist. The bracelet was rough and bold, but it was too conspicuous. Like a token, Mu Shen’s heart was counted. “You go to West Point training, what happened, you can talk to me. Talk?"

Mu Yuan quietly for a moment, slightly bowed his head, very embarrassed, "I can't say it, brother, I am too selfish, made a decision to hurt a lot of people, before I made a big mistake, I want to end It is."

It will never be again in the future.

Mu Shen was extremely calm, inferring 7788. "Do you like someone you shouldn't like?"


"I heard that." As for who said it, Mu Shen did not tell, "Do you like her very much?"

Mu Yuan nodded, but he could not be too selfish.

Perhaps the attitude of the older brother made him too relaxed. Mu far talked about Jack's many things. He was a little bit awkward, and he had no reservations about the people he trusted. He said everything.

Mu Shenyue listened more strangely. He listened to Mu Jianxin saying that Mu Yuan may have made some irresistible mistakes during the West Point. The information disclosure is still a trivial matter. I heard that he still fell in love. Although it was finally confirmed, falling in love is only one. In the drama, you can see the status of Mu Yuan. It may not be a drama to fall in love. But Mu Shen has always regarded the object of love as her, but he has never been a man. Mu Jian believes that this matter is too big to be said and is not easy to say. Mu Shen concluded that Mu Yuan fell in love with a West Point female officer.

But how can he listen to this, she is actually him?

Mu Shen’s face was dark and black, but Mu Yuan kept his head down and continued to talk about Jack’s great achievements, how good he was to him, how to help him when he was detoxified, how to save his life, etc. Sunflower-like, Mu Shen that sentence is a man or a woman to swallow. The object of his brother's first date is obviously a girl who is not very good-looking but is really a real girl.

Although Mu Liang was spitting at the time, you would like to find a flat chest why not find a man, but no one would associate Mu Yuan with a broken sleeve.

"I asked you, broke up, would you regret it for a lifetime?"

(End of this chapter)

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