Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 2168: Memories of killing twenty-four filial brothers 4

Chapter 2168 Recalling the Twenty-four Filial Brothers 4

Mu Yuan thought, he didn't know who he would meet in the future, but he thought that no matter who he met, there would be no more surprise and hearty Jack would give him. "Maybe I will not fall in love with another one in my life." People."

"..." Mu Shen took a deep breath, and wanted to swear and felt that Mu Yuan was already very difficult to walk along this road. He also didn't help, not to mention that there is no right or wrong in feelings. In fact, he does not agree with Mu Yuan to continue. It’s a good thing to have a deep feeling, a slap in the face, a good fight against Mu Yuan, a good family, or a country.

Mu may be suffering for a long time.

"Xiaoyuan, your love is destined to be separated from the beginning. Today is a minute, and after ten years, it is also a point." It is only a matter of time, and long-term pain is better than short-term pain.

"Then I chose to be ten years later." Mu Yuan's eyes are clear. "If I can live eighty years old, I would rather suffer for fifty years instead of sixty years of pain."

"You are so sure, you will not meet another person who will make you feel good again?"

"No!" Mu Yuan laughed at himself and irritatedly huddled. "Brother, I said to you what is the use of these things. I have already planned to divide them. It doesn't matter."

Mu Shen’s heart is soft, and he can’t listen to the desperate tone of Mu Yuan. He understands Mu Yuan’s character. Even if he is now stunned by love, he knows what he should do and what he should not do, especially after this experience. Mu Yuan understands the safe distance between him and his lover, and the West Point report is also called.

The person who proved his liking did not disappoint him.

It is no wonder that his younger brother will be so desperate, but this is a love relationship that is doomed to end in tragedy, but he is not Mu Yuan, do not know Mu Yuan’s regrets and thoughts.

If... Mu Shen clenched his hands.

"You should know that in your life, not only love, but even love is not the first."

"I know." Mu Yuan knows better than anyone else. "Brother, don't say it, I know it in my heart."

Let him calm down alone, wait for him to figure it out, with courage, and then give Jack a break-up call, it's as simple as that.

Mu Shen did not speak any more, stood up, but he did not leave immediately. He stood in front of Mu Yuan for a long time, faintly said, "Xiaoyuan, if you really like it, if you are sure that your love will not affect the family. , national interests, if you are sure that you will be a top-ranking soldier in the future, do not live in your home country, you want to pursue your love, you go, ..."

Mu far looked up at his brother in disbelief.

He did not expect Mu Shen to agree.

Mu Shen smiled. "Fortunately, Mu has me."

"Brother, you... are you not going to take over the family business?"

Mu Shen smiled. "Who said, there are infinite possibilities in life. Just now, I changed my mind. I don't want to study for a doctor. After graduation, I will go to the grassroots level and enter the system. So, what do you want to do? ""

"Brother!" Mu Yuan hurriedly climbed up, his hands were shaking. Who knows his father, he will kill him with a stick, how can there be such a selfish person, his responsibility is not borne, he lost it to his brother, he Still a person?

"Brother, don't do this, I will break up immediately, I will call right away!" Mu Yuan thought that Mu Shen was deliberately scaring him. He panicked and slammed his mobile phone. Mu Shen was laughed at him and pulled up his arm. .

He said categorically, "Small, what do you want to do, just do it, all your brothers are carrying."

(End of this chapter)

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