Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 2224: Being abducted

Chapter 2224 was abducted

For the first time, the night court knows the benefits of having a straight girlfriend. He has gone to the first person on his enemy list, and he still looks innocent. I don’t know what he said wrong.

I don’t know if I’m wrong, but the wicked first complained, powerful, powerful!

When Mu Yuan drove on the way, he received a phone call from the hospital. Li Changfeng was awake. Mu Yuan drove to the hospital for the first time. Li Changfeng was very painful. The doctor gave him a painkiller. He also groaned. Mu Yuan felt that he was tired of him. This innocent disaster was caused by him, and he was a little embarrassed about Li Changfeng.

"Wake up, still hurt?"

"Pain!" Li Changfeng was frightened. He thought he was going to die. "I am so good, how can I be shot, what I am doing wrong, Professor, I am so scared, I am not dead, will I still kill? I?"

"No, I will protect you." Mu Yuan said that no matter what angle he starts, Li Changfeng can't die. If Li Changfeng really dies, Li Ze will break the net.

"Professor, you are very good." Li Changfeng tears and asks for hugs. Mu Yuan touched him on his head and stunned. In fact, he rarely touched the heads of others.

This action is like remembering.

There is a person who always likes to touch his head. Every time he touches his head, he feels very happy, relaxed, and has a very sweet thought.

He turned his hand back like an electric shock.

"Do you see who killed you?"

"I can't see it, but... it's very high." Li Changfeng compared his height, and he couldn't tell how high it was. "It's a little higher than the professor."

"Higher than me?"


Mu Yuan is not short. This height is also common here. His eyebrows are locked. "The police have been involved in this incident. I will come to you to give a confession. You know what, you can say it."

"it is good."

Li Changfeng called Li Ze, and Mu Yuan did not let people follow. Under Jack's eyes, he could not track Li Changfeng's position. He couldn't help thinking.

"Dad, someone killed me, I was afraid, I almost died..."

The father and son chatted on the phone for nearly an hour. Li Changfeng’s heart was also settled. After the chat, someone came over to Li Changfeng to make a transcript. When Mu Yuan went out, he saw a short-haired middle-aged woman with a pair of very beautiful eyes. The foreigner has a dry skin at this age, but she is well maintained and dressed in a suit. The temperament is excellent and elegant.

She smiled and extended her hand. "Hello, my name is Amanda. Are you a relative of Li Changfeng?"

Mu Yuan stepped forward and shook her hand, and said slightly, "No, I am his professor, are you?"

Amanda smiled a little. "I am responsible for this case... the investigator, what is your name?"

"Mu Yuan."

"The name is very good."

Mu Yuan thought, you don't understand Chinese, know what is good?

There was a smile on his face. Amanda had a good attitude. He looked like a golden plaque. He praised him from beginning to end. "Professor Mu is really young and beautiful, but also very skillful. It’s really great to be a Distinguished Professor at Columbia University, and your parents must be great.”

Mu Yuan, "..."

The investigator of Li Changfeng’s case, is his interest in him a bit big?

"Can we talk in one step, there is a restaurant opposite, very good, let's talk." Amanda finally remembered Li Changfeng. "We need to know the situation of Li Changfeng at school. You may know more about the professor."

"……it is good!"

See you in Minger! !

(End of this chapter)

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