Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 2225: Xiao Yuan Tune Ama

Chapter 2225 Xiao Yuan Tuning Amanda

Amanda is very familiar with this piece, with Mu Yuan going to a very high restaurant opposite to him. Mu Yuan is in the military camp all the year round. Although he is worth tens of billions today, he is very little enjoyable. The money has been given to Xie Jingwei to develop the company and The project went, because Xie Jingzhen said that anyway, if you are full of family, you will pay for the money. He needs a lot of money to ask Xie Jing.

This is no problem. Every time the big brother asks him to ask for more than one million yuan, he must ask Dong to ask him. He is afraid that he will be training all the year round, he will go abroad for public expenses, and the wages of eating and lodging public accounts will not be spent. His brother, like the old grandfather of Alzheimer's dementia, was deceived and ruined. He did not ask for the money, and the management was so strict that he did not go to any high-level occasions to enjoy it. He did not have this time.

Even so, I know that this restaurant is quite advanced. When I look at the menu, I look at the price. People are still in dollars. He silently glances at the elegant middle-aged lady. He can’t help but swear, oh... now Investigate a case, ask the friends to eat such a high-level Western food?

Elegant lady Amanda looked up at him with a smile and smiled as if she wanted to support him. "What's wrong? Not appetizing? There is no good Chinese restaurant nearby, it is aggrieved."

"Not grievances, no grievances, beauty please eat, it is my pleasure."

Mu Yuan thought, this person knows his identity, so come to talk? Otherwise, how do you smile and look at his face, beauty? But he is 24 years old this year. Is this beautiful person... isn’t the beauty chosen?

Beauty Amanda, "..."

"My older sister is a young man, looks very young, has excellent skin and has temperament. He looks like a person who is upright."

Sister Amanda, "..."

Yes, yes, the mouth is really sweet.

She smiled more perfectly, covering her mouth and laughing. Old and modern women both at home and abroad like young men to praise her young, Amanda is no exception. "I am forty-eight years old this year."

"Forty-eight?" Mu Yuan was really shocked. "I thought you were only thirty-two."

Amanda touched his face, "Really?"

A waiter walked by, Mu Yuan took a red rose from the plate, and gave it to Amanda. "Yes, very young, you can talk to me about a younger brother."

Amanda, "..."

Was she being teased by her ex-boyfriend?

The two men talked for five years. Didn't Jack tell him that Mommy is called Amanda Chloe Miller-Anderson?

For the small majors, the name is too long to remember?

She and Ruili Anderson have always felt that the son is too kind. This little principal is really neat and neat. Mu Yuan is a type that is gentle and expensive in the eyes of the East. It is also a noble temperament in the eyes of Westerners. It is very charming.

They thought that their sons were fascinated by the big men’s school. When they were 16 years old, they started. It’s not kind, and the little major looked like a baby.

Look at it now... well, it doesn't seem like this.

"Then you want to talk to me about my brother and sister?" Amanda also took the move and smiled and got a goose bump.

Mu Yuan looked at her finger and smiled slowly. "Your fingers should wear a wedding ring. The traces of the steel ring are still there. Such an obvious trace should be just picked. You are sure to talk to me. Sister and brother love?"

(End of this chapter)

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