Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 2233: Why don’t you blast him?

Chapter 2233, why not kill him?

It is estimated that Jack and Wesley did not think of themselves, plus the reinforcements are already on the way.

Mu Yuan’s eyes were black and he watched the man start to load the gun. This is a simple chasing gun. But how easy it is, the power is not too small, it’s not too small. This shot is also sent to Jack and Wesley. .

"The night court is awkward, show them warnings, is there any way to warn them!"

The night court also saw it. He was also anxious. If Wesley and Jack were dead, they would be killed by such a gun. This is bad, and international relations will be bad.

Mu Yuan’s legs are soft, but he can only watch the other side launching after the cannon. He can receive an order. If Mu’s guess is correct, it should be that the team waiting for the anti-terrorism is close, then a chaser It’s a horror to kill one more. He watched the anti-terrorist team approaching Jack and Wesley and slowly entered the scene.

Then he saw that person ignited.

However, at the same time, the non-mainstream girl Xiao Qiao's gun was aimed at his head, the trigger was pulled, the bullet passed through the city of one kilometer, the enemy's head was blown, and the whole head was beaten. The picture is extremely ferocious.

"Sir, don't thank you for your help!" Xiao Qiao said in a mischievous voice in the channel, but the voice is also very tight. As a soldier, seeing so many robes on the ground, my heart is not good.

Those who fell in the pool of blood were all teammates who had counter-terrorism. There were several familiar faces who had cooperated with them. One of them was also stunned by Xiao Qiao, but now he can only see the body.

The enemy retreated very quickly, and Xiao Qiao sneered. "I want to go, it's not that easy, no worries, no matter what!"

On our site, killing our people, wanting to leave, is a joke.


A cold voice came in the earphones, "Leave two live!"

After all, this is the home of anti-terrorism and worry-free doors.

This voice Xiao Qiao did not recognize it. The first time I heard it, it was a bit like Jack’s voice, but it was just plain and cold without Jack’s voice, but it was quite uninspired.

Can cut off her words, either the rank is higher than her or the power is higher than her.

Xiao Qiao said without saying, "Oh, okay, listen to the Chief."

"Yes!" Wushoumen Yishui girl answered.

Mu Yuan sighed with relief, and the chasing gun did not let go. It was indeed a blessing. The biggest casualty was the first chasing gun. Xiao Qiao turned off the earphones. "After this war, the black market will be swept away." It’s not so easy for me to get a sniper rifle."

Lu Xiaoji coughed a bit, "Nothing."

They did not expect that such a large-scale lethal weapon would appear in the city. It had already fought a level of fighting. Xiao Qiao picked up a sniper rifle and "returned the work!"

She is a sniper. It doesn't matter if she catches people. She pursues other people who have no worries.

Wesley took over the command of the Wushou Gate. Xiao Qiao took his equipment and got on the train with Lu Xiaojiu. He didn't go to the scene. They were the shadow knife department, not suitable for appearing in the sun.

"Who is the chief who was just under siege?" Xiao Qiao asked, when the door was received by the worry-free door, some people were jailed, the casualties were heavy, and the suspected terrorist attacks and rapid reinforcements. As for who was trapped, they did not receive it. Notice.

(End of this chapter)

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