Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 2234: Xiaoyuan finally saw Jack.

Chapter 2234 Xiao Yuan finally saw Jack.

"I don't know, Wesley personally gave me an order."

"Oh, wouldn't he be trapped by himself?"

Just after Wesley and Jack had blood and dust on their faces, Xiao Qiao didn't even see the face, just hurriedly, the only impression was that the two people trapped were very tall.

"do not know."

"Oh, if he, I still can't come, why don't you blast him!" Xiao Qiao snorted and obviously had a good opinion on Wesley. "Our goalkeeper must have a leg with him!"

Lu Xiaojiu laughed, this little Joe said that for half a year, now the worry-free door is gradually being held in the hands of Xiao Qiao and Lu Xiaojiu, Xiao Qiao is the agent and spiritual leader. In fact, the officially issued command, the real management of worry-free door is Lu Xiaojiu.

Nowadays, the door of the Worry-free door is like a ghost figure. It is said that it is lurking. It has been squandered by Xiao Qiao. It is the back door and Wesley have a leg to be the doorkeeper.

"Do you think... there will be such a madness?" Xiao Qiao asked.

Lu Xiaojiu knows that the side she said refers to Xiaoqiao’s home country. Although Xiao Qiao’s identity is different now, he was once a city. "It's hard to say, just...there is such a bright face."

Xiao Qiao once met Mu Yuan in a mission. In recent years, he has heard the rumors of Major Mu Yuan. It is reasonable to say that she and Mu Yuan are not in the same position. The tasks of the two are different.

Only a few times, she and Mu Yuan's tasks overlap, although they have not worked together, only once saw Shen Qianshu and the night tomb, and saw Mu Yuan by the way.

At that time, I felt that Major Mu Yuan and their chiefs had a leg. They looked like a very soft and kind person, and they would not be able to do this.

Xiao Qiao recalled the situation at the scene, which was too cruel.

The team's personnel were almost completely wiped out.

"Let's go, there will be follow-up development in this matter." Lu Xiaojiu is not very concerned. "Someone will take over, we are just a knife, and we don't need to investigate the truth."


Lu Xiaojiu and Xiao Qiao quickly left the building. Wesley and Jack took over the scene. One person was responsible for commanding the people to hunt down. One person was responsible for dredging traffic and arranged for the hospital to rescue quickly.

Jack probed the pulse of Rose, and there was a sigh of relief. Li Ze’s body was cool. Mrs. Li Ze was sent to the ambulance. The ambulance was just turned over. She was slightly injured and was not in danger. It was a catastrophe, and several passers-by were also implicated in the injury, and a lot of things to follow.

This happened in the downtown area and soon went to international news.

The night mausoleum was thousands of miles away, and it was the first time that he received the news. Because he and Mu Yuan were directly connected, he looked for him for the first time. The surveillance screen captured the pictures of several people, such as Cai Zhou. This picture is still true. .

Mu Yuan did send people to the past, but it was just a sniper attack. After the attack, the scene was quickly evacuated. The pictures played on the international news, after bioanalysis, confirmed that it was true, and did not know what it was, and then the world began to attack them.

The night mausoleum looked at the mobile phone that kept vibrating, and frowned.

Recently, I was practicing self-cultivation. I didn’t expect a little princess to paint. The days passed very well and I was asked to find something to do!

All major platforms are the big news of the water.

Some non-brain parties in the country began to carnival, saying that the waist plate has been hardened once, just to the M country to make such a thing, give them a long face, refreshing and so on.

In addition to the international sniper, it is also domestic revelry.

The night mausoleum was very rude. "The whole network is banned, the keywords are forbidden, the news is forbidden, don't let me see this thing a penny!"

Good news broadcasts sing world peace, the country is booming everywhere, is the sun not good? I have to make some things out.

Mu Yuan did not have any news at all. The night court gave him some news. This matter has nothing to do with them. Cai Zhou and others have already withdrawn. This is a bureau.

They just ordered the attack, not really going to rob people, not knowing who is planning this behind the scenes.

"Are you a pig? You are still holding a nose and you don't know who it is?"

The night court was stunned by the blood of the dog. After all, he was providing technical intelligence support. The night tomb must be jealous of him, not Mu Yuan, Mu Yuan is based on his intelligence to make plans. If it is an omission, it must be that he has been leaked here. He did not realize that there is a third party between Jack and Mu Yuan who is planning such a terrible thing. Through Mu Yuan’s hand, he has done a big deal.


"Mu Yuan?"

In the evening, he said, "He has never heard."

"He must go to Jack Anderson and stop him. He is coming to the door at this time, isn't he looking for death?"

Night court, "Yes!"

Mu Yuan had no news for several hours. He did not answer the phone and sent a text message. The night court thought that he might need to be quiet and quiet. He also felt that he was sweating behind him.

There was a problem with his intelligence. Jack had a problem. He didn’t realize that such a powerful party was in the layout. It shows that the other party’s strength is terrible.

There are several people in this world who have the ability to do this.

Black Rose is one.

anything else?

Jack was busy until two o'clock in the morning, came out of the hospital, and called to his car, suddenly stopped, Mu Yuan stood a few steps away, the night hidden his shadow in the dark Only the whole body is desolate.

See you in the Ming Dynasty, the nationals said that Mu Yuan and Jack have not seen each other after breaking up. Here is a modification, why is this book the main thing? !

(End of this chapter)

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